You might mention the library license of the underlying library, it’s strictly non commercial meaning yours is too.
You might mention the library license of the underlying library, it’s strictly non commercial meaning yours is too.
Gitlab really pissed me off with their paid plans for work. We moved to GitHub, and while that’s not popular here, they offered everything we needed at nearly 1/4 the price.
Gitlab kept saying $99/user per month, no way to have different “classes” of users at different paid plans. Just awful.
I told them we were switching unless they came back with a fair offer. Ignored. Renewal time came up and I told them we weren’t renewing… Oh NOW they want to bargain and try to retain us??? F right off. Microsoft might be the devil, but they offer a good product for the price.
I used to self host gitlab, but they kept putting things behind the pay wall. GG.
Self hosting, Forgejo all the way!!
STV: Single Transferrable Vote
It wouldn’t be noticed by you, it’s noticed by the shorter folks. I’m tall enough to “pass” for tall, but no one says “you’re tall” to me. My short friends have all had to deal with this phenomenon.
It can be worse, we had to add a captcha for those link scanners cause they’d submit the forms and invalidate tokens too:(
I have a plan to develop a standalone wow pserver that’s all set up with directions on how to do everything so my wife, kids, whoever can plop my dimentiated self in azeroth where I can’t get lost.
Retailers operate on exceptionally thin margins so that they make nothing or next to nothing outside of major consumer holidays. The day after Thanksgiving became a day when most were off work so they’d take advantage of the extra time to go get some Christmas shopping done. Retailers would go from “in the red” to “in the black” from a profit and loss perspective.
Retailers noticed and started offering sales to lure in these shoppers who were spenders.
Door buster sales as loss-leaders became a thing and soon everyone was in on the consumer holiday.