But what about all american county boy Todd Bonzales? Hes just a teenager in american high school who secretly had the power of Trucks and County Music and Cowboy Hat.
But what about all american county boy Todd Bonzales? Hes just a teenager in american high school who secretly had the power of Trucks and County Music and Cowboy Hat.
You’ll need to get WinAmp installed then my friend.
This is super useful, I was thinking about writing something similar myself recently. Thanks for sharing! Being able to scribe the acfou t clean and start over is very useful. I have 900+ subscriptions that I guess just built up over time. Too many to manually work through and remove the ones I actually dont watch.
I am once again asking you to have revelations about the nature and size of the universe, and your frightful place therein.
I went to a house party once that was a lot of different nationalities of Europeans. Two French guys got increasingly drunk and belligerent about the aesthetic quality of French churches versus Irish churches. To the point they had to he asked to leave because they were close to starting a fight. I’ve met several frenfh people over the years and theres always some spontaneous comparison between something in france vs here. OPs story is not so far fetched.
Hold up, tracking pixels? What the fuck is that and how do I disable it.
I’m just making a guess here, but there could have been more attempts that were nippedl in the bud early enough that we have never heard of them, because the would-be assaains were sloppier and got caught.
Is that you Doug? Meep Meep!
That’s the american governments rules yes? I’d imagine its not too different for the Italian government.