Are you basing your comment on the idea that stalin is as bad as hitler? Cause thats some ig’nant ass shit to see on lemmy.
Are you basing your comment on the idea that stalin is as bad as hitler? Cause thats some ig’nant ass shit to see on lemmy.
The thing is, i promised my mom and my history teacher id never vote for a genocider, so my hands are tied. If dems want to run someone who isnt the literal definition of evil, i wouldnt have to vote for trump. Its insane how dems love to use the lesser evil argument right up until theyre convincing us to vote for a genocider.
This is a democracy bro, we dont have kings. If you and biden want a monarchy, go turn traitor and join the red coats. Here in america, Biden doesnt get to be ruler just because he says he is.
Why would the quality of his opponent make me vote for a corpse? Biden isnt going to be cognizant enough to serve his term, if hes even alive. And certainly no president at all is worse than trump
Youre entirely right. How exactly will you enforce a law that says “unless youre still sharp as a tack at 80”, though? There has to be a provable line or else the law is meaningless.
A) Biden is going to lose to trump. B) The only chance we have to have a living president thats not trump is to nominate someone else. Anybody sane has already written off biden as dead. I guarantee you the entire white house staff has.
Why on earth do so many people not realize that if you vote for a corpse, he doesnt actually get to be president? If the corpse wins, we wont even know who the president is. Imagine electing trump, but hes entirely unaccountable to anybody because nobody knows who he is. Thats what would happen if we elect a corpse. Maybe this is a hot take, but I think there should be a president.
For most people the imperial system is better. Fahrenheit puts 0-100 in relation to how humans feel heat, 0 is very cold, 100 is very hot, neither will kill you if you take minor precautions. Feet are the same, most everyday objects are spread across 0-10 feet long/tall. Using celsius and meters requires using a scale between -18 and 38, and a scale between 0 and 3.3. Both are clearly inferior number ranges to use when we arent required to.
Did you even read his comment dude?
The USSR did most of the work beating the nazis. America helped.
Hamas not starting it earlier? Gaza wasn’t capable of it prior to 10/7. 10/7 happened because Israel got complacent and assumed the “animals” they were caging weren’t intelligent at all. Israel assumed they had all given up.
Because nobody in Gaza is naive enough to believe Israel would actually do as they say. Israel has been steadily taking their land for decades, it’s already over half gone. 2050 is an optimistic guess.
Sure, maybe extinction was too far. But certainly the trajectory prior to 10/7 was not something Palestine could abide. And it’s also certain that by 2050, 100% of the land making up Palestine would be stolen. Claiming that Hamas started the war is 100% false, noatter which way you look at it.
Israel did significantly worse to Gaza prior to 10/7 than gaza has cumulatively done to Israel to date, and it’s not remotely close. An article I found from may 2021 cited 5600 dead palestinians (115,000 injured) and 250 dead Israelis (5600 injured) between 2008 and 2020. And it’s actually a bit misleading to only use numbers back to 2008, because it goes back much farther.
So yes, it is accurate to say that had things continued as they were going, Palestine would have fully died out in the first half of this century.
There’s a similar fallacy that’s often applied to USSR under Stalin: when you compare populations in 1930 to 1934, IE appx the length of the devastating famine they experienced, you’ll see that it declined something like 20% over that time. People who generate propaganda about communism will say that something like 30 million people died during it, by subtracting the numbers, and ignoring the fact that birth rates had been steadily dropping for years as the famine grew worse. What actually happened is that 5-8 million died, and 22 million were never born.
My point being that it is inherently pretty misleading to use population data as the majority of your evidence. The most reliable evidence we have, IE our eyes and ears, shows us that Israel is deliberately harming and often killing Palestinians, under the logic of being a superior race. We can quibble about data all you like, the fact is that Israel is most certainly committing genocide.
The explanation is that Israel has been effectively laying seige to them for 30 years, and they found a chance to actually hurt them and seized it. There was no other choice available to them. If some Palestinians survive this, it will be more than would have survived without the 10/7 attack
No, they’re winning because they have the support of capital. Under capitalism, money = power. And capitalists will always be far right (see their widespread support of Nazi Germany).
I dont vote for corpses, and i certainly dont vote for genociders. You realize that voting in a corpse means the actual president is accountable to literally nobody, right?