Damn buying a “Fuck Trump” shirt while indirectly financing the guy is next level irony and peak capitalism
Damn buying a “Fuck Trump” shirt while indirectly financing the guy is next level irony and peak capitalism
Yeah this has me lost too
Their firmware isn’t opensource. At least not fully. Only the EC firmware has been opensourced, that is the firmware for the micro-controller responsible for the battery, keyboard, buttons, LEDs, sensors, and so on…
The boot firmware, responsible for getting the CPU and hardware in a bootable state, is absolutely proprietary. There is initial support for one specific framework motherboard in coreboot, a partially libre boot firmware, but it’s very new and I don’t know exactly what is and isn’t supported…
You know, I’m pretty sure that Amazon has enouuh profit margins to pay their employees fair wages if they wanted too, even without your purchases