One is Starship Troopers and the other is from Aliens.
One is Starship Troopers and the other is from Aliens.
I mean… I wouldn’t necessarily call the rat pack throwing down on your behalf, “simple”.
One of the best and my most favorite scenes from the whole show.
Excellent synopsis! Thank you!
Nevermind…I get it now. Here’s a better article for those of you like me…
I read this article, but I still don’t understand. Am from US… Apologies for density.
Everyone here freaking out, take a hard look at this next to a lobster and tell me what makes them so different? They’ll be importing these to Saudi Arabia, covering them in gold leaf, and serving them to idiot billionaires for ridiculous money as a “delicacy” any moment… If it’s not already happening.
I know…It’s not nice to laugh, but the unexpected hostility caught me just right.
“Where do you think we are right now?”
I agree. We used to heckle people for their choices. It was one of my favorite parts.
Careful friend… Your age is showing. 😉
Let’s be clear… Mine, too. I made a similar comment not long ago, and all of the people in the room looked at me like I’d gone softheaded. Lol
A schooner IS a sailboat, stupid head!
Bro looks like a fluffy Randall, from Clerks.
Anyone know if there’s a website or something yet where you can check if your data was included in the breach?
Right on!
Bravo. This is what I come to Lemmy for. Keep it up, friend!
Parking sensors, schmarking sensors. 64 tons of steel, tread and f*ck-you-firepower says I park where I want.
"“We will not be eliminating any benefits or services to Veterans or VA beneficiaries, and there will be no negative impact to VA health care, benefits or beneficiaries. We are always going to take care of Veterans at VA. Period,” VA press secretary Pete Kasperowicz said in a statement.”
This is all I can find… That they wanted to kill a bunch of consulting contracts. Nothing about the suicide hotline.