Question, does that mean 250 people were framed and went to jail. Or did the series go 250 episodes without a single satisfying bad guy catch.
You know, that makes me think of a really interesting spinoff, Imagine if someone made dexter, from the perspective of a non dexter character. (IE Oh I think we’re close to catching the serial killer, and… he’s vanished off the face of the earth… oh shit the murderer was one of our detectives… and he’s already dead. Oop another serial killer, and he’s gone.
I mean in some levels though I would say… feet have always been something random in kids comedies as long as I know, and I can’t say that’s exclusively a nickelodian/snider thing. It was also the logo of Monty Python for starters.
That being said, of course Snider seems like a creep on so many levels