Framing reddit argument screenshots you think you’ve “won?” I’ve definitely met those types on Reddit.
Framing reddit argument screenshots you think you’ve “won?” I’ve definitely met those types on Reddit.
I hate modern “news” sites. They can’t call a thing what it is. It’s a Nazi salute, plain as day.
It’s the rich buying off both major political parties in the US. One is paid to implement a fascist oligarchy. The other is paid to pump the breaks on the fascist oligarchy when the population freaks out.
In both cases, political bribery has run amok and unchecked. Neither party is beholden to the will of the people. Low voter turnout means Republicans and oligarchy wins. High voter turnout means Democrats and the same oligarchy wins.
Just to clarify, the US Democrat party isn’t a left wing party, it’s a right wing party. It hasn’t been left wing since Jimmy Carter. We have two right wing parties in the US which often comes as a shock to people who aren’t paying attention.
Also, all of the economic problems you’re experiencing are because of capitalism, not communism.
There’s only five countries in the world that are externally labeled as “communist,” and four of them are in Asia. All five don’t classify themselves as communist.
The term is just a fear-triggering word to trick gullible people into blaming the problems of capitalism on an imaginary boogeyman.
I have a question. What do any of the people in this… meme? have to do with each other? Is this another Qanon delusion?
Well fuck me, I watched the Berlin wall fall on the news when I was a kid.
Google is just going to stall and delay until Trump’s goons come in. Then, suddenly, the DOJ will have a change of heart.
We need courses that teach males how to be men. Not the BS toxic stuff, but teach them how to be decent human beings in society.
A LOT of food sold in the US are imported.
Every time a friend asks to “borrow” a lighter…
I too enjoy a good strawman fallacy.
Fascists don’t have to worry about being on the right side of history because they intend to rewrite and distort history.
Yes, because voter shaming has a long history of success 🙄
This is why I don’t use my real name on the internet, nor do I post selfies.
Ma’am, would you prefer to die? Or would you prefer financial ruin & poverty which you will never recover from?
A lot of celebrities became shitbags, unfortunately. The most disappointing IMO was JK Rowling. My sisters loved the Harry Potter universe, but soured on it after it was reveled Rowling was a huge nazi shithead.
It’s going to have ads eventually if it continues to grow.
Yup, that’s why I’m here and not on reddit anymore. Got perma-banned for speaking against the genocide in Gaza.
I mean, you’re not wrong.