This shit blew my mind back in the day, much like how I can plug a dongle into my cigarette lighter and somehow Bluetooth my phone to my old ass stereo.
I’ll make my own cubes! Will a sawsall get through that motherfucker?
No idiot. Pay attention.
Until you go outside. Luckily, I have a teenaged kid who can tell me what shit means while giggling at my greying beard.
You’ve just made an enemy for life!
Who is that? She looks like that crazy jewish chick that was following Trump around for a while lol.
Always with the walls of text these people… Just decline and be done with it! Nobody trying to grade your thesis over here ffs.
Fuck that! A little buffer zone between me and the rest of humanity is essential. Apartments are literal hell for me. Don’t even get me started on apartment living back when I used to work nights lol.
Yet another reason, I’m glad I don’t live in Europe. I like y’alls privacy laws, but besides that your entire lives revolve on wrapping yourselves in bubble wrap praying the government will save you from whatever.
If you can’t walk down a sidewalk with cars going by at 30mph then there’s something wrong with you.
If you like pineapple, I’m sure its great. If you don’t like pineapple, its gonna ruin the whole fucking dish. You cant just scrape it off. The flavor permeates. Like olives. shudder
Yes! Lets kill the baby! Then nothing bad shall ever happen to it.
I pee in the shower, harder to miss when drunk.
No lights at all, sit down to pee, go the fuck back to sleep.
Evan Williams is good and smooth, not stupidly overpriced either.
I don’t know wtf you’re drinking. Bourbon ain’t made in your buddies backyard over the course of a week or two.
Dude. Calm the fuck down and resume your therapy.
You honestly don’t see any left wing bias in the media? Be honest now. Honest.