Yeah, here you go.
Yeah, here you go.
Didn’t one ai have a lot of false positives because it would say any picture of skin with a ruler in it was cancer? The moment it saw a ruler it responded with cancer because all the data it was fed about confirmed cancers had rulers in them.
As a single person you’d be pretty good for the rest of your (still probably short) life. But honestly, I think ascribing button pushing to some of these people is a stretch. They know the particular buttons to open their social media, or maybe even access their banking, but any mention of settings and you get a blank look. I see that with every generation now, working in IT. It used to just be the boomers, but tech knowledge seems to have degraded over the years.
I agree with you. A majority of the mass shootings (all shootings, really) would disappear overnight if we increased financial security and had free healthcare. Couple it with a cultural push for mental health awareness and care and you wouldn’t need too many gun laws on the books.
I agree. I use very little gas to heat my water for my hydronic system and the tap. I replaced an old oil hydronic heater and traditional electric water heater with a natural gas combi boiler that does both home heat and hot water. My utility bills went through the floor, and over the whole year I put a fraction of the CO2 into the atmosphere than I did in just a winter of the old oil furnace.
Energy to hydrogen back to energy, so electrolysis to a hydrogen fuel cell. I think burning hydrogen directly is even less efficient.
Less efficient than pumped hydro. Appears to be about 40% for green hydrogen in the round trip vs 80% for pumped hydro with a quick google search.
Plant-based meat tastes like what vegans think meat tastes like. I’d much rather eat the vegan foods that are prepared without imitation ingredients.
Then no need to tip! Good job team, we got the answer!
Yeah, go for a good quality one like a Spears or a Cepex. Those hardware store white ones get brittle, lock up, and snap like you saw. I spend the 30-40 on one of the good ones and it stays smooth forever.
It’s an extremely powerful pattern recognition tool. There are uses for that, but your right that people are going the “if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail” route.