I like how this is the future version of getting a send-off by the USS Constitution
I’m just a cat walking on a keyboard…
I like how this is the future version of getting a send-off by the USS Constitution
The best DMs are the ones that can adapt and come up with stuff on the fly. The only guaranteed thing is that the players are idiots and will try and punch a NPC in the tavern on day 1… throwing your well planned story out the window.
Yes, your escrow can go up that much if your property tax, school tax, or in some cases insurance had a sudden jump in value or changes in what can be claimed. It varies by area and loan, but isn’t unheard of.
I get the joke, but did the person writing this have a stroke halfway through writing it?
I’m trying to remember when I last had a real “free trial” and not these “give me your credit card subscription scams”. A bonafide “try our thing for real” situation made me buy it.
Free food or drinks for sure. Maybe a newspaper or magazine when I was a kid?
While I don’t follow the current eSports Call of Modern War Battle shooter game, I believe they may be making fun of certain team players of said game who called themselves “Lethal Company”… but now this name is more commonly associated with a different online multiplayer indie game that is more popular.
Although I could be wrong. I am not an AI
The fact that this is Gene Wilder immediately gets my approval. The Tim Burton / Johnny Depp version of this comic just didn’t hit the same. 😑