Literal shitpost
Literal shitpost
What was being treated in your case? I checked online and as far as I can see, Prednisone is used to treat immune system overactivity.
Wasn’t there a whole hubbub cause he said it wasn’t his money?
Also anything you make on it is Adobe’s to train their AI with
Could just be a bribe in disguise, albeit maybe an unplanned one.
Even aspirational, I can’t remember the last time I was in nature and at peace.
By the rules the catholic church also needs one (or many) testimonies from the faithful that their prayers were answered specifically when they prayed for Luigi to intercede on their behalf.
You just can’t get the same calibre of mouth-shitting instagram whores anywhere else.
This is only applicable to people who have a wide variety of choices to pick from - if you ca only choose Dubai because your parents worked there as expats then you’re probably in the clear.
Islamophobic? Nah. Naive, hell yeah. You should watch what you do like a hawk when you’re going to places like Dubai. Have a good understanding of what is legal and what isn’t, like eating outside during Ramadan - this can get you actual jailtime instead of a fine or a slap on the wrist like you’d expect.
That’s the bad timeline - T will burn this mother to the ground, a short while o fimmense pain followed by a chance to rebuilt. A smarter fascist replacement will irreversably destroy the foundations of this country and there won’t be a rebuilding after that, just a smouldering ruin.
I’m glad it was just the Loch Ness monster instead of a real threat like Shia Lebouf
That’s the Janitor. He drives Bentleys off the pier into the Pacific Ocean every second saturday.
Yep, Only way people will lay down their lives for others is if they believe in a cause they are furthering, or to protect a loved one. I don’t think bodyguards fit into either of these categories when the principal is some billionaire businessman.
They’ll do their jobs sure, but not when it’s time to risk their own lives.
I had a tab open to see what the hell this was and if I could self host this too
Can you give an example?
The crash logs need to be saved as brainwaves, and dreamt about while the lead dev is asleep.
Hey, about the effects cannabis has on you the day after you smoke - do these issues show up when you have edibles instead of smoking? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does the act of smoking (smoking whatever) cause any issues with executive functioning?