My guess is when he signed on for the first Sonic movie he committed to some number of sequels if they ended up being greenlit. Not that I think he hates to be in those movies, but it seems like a professional obligation to not leave them without one of the mainstay actors
That’s Jack from Lost. Totally not related to the meme, idk why they used this image lol. I believe this is the episode where he becomes a drunk and tries to convince everyone that they need to go back to the island
Fascinating, thank you for expanding on this!
For me, learning to manage my life in a way that works with my ADHD. For example, if I learn I need to do something, and it’s something I can do now, I get up and do it. If I don’t, I’m likely to forget or put it off too long. Finding ways to build routines, like I suddenly decided I should lick my teeth when getting ready for bed, this makes me realize they are dirty, and I feel forced to brush my teeth before I can sleep. Before that I wasn’t brushing every day. You have to figure out what ADHD prevents you from doing like a normal person, and plan around it.
I don’t medicate right now because I have enough control to be able to function at work and my day to day life without it. But I’ve also had success in the past from either Vyvanse and Strattera (took them at different periods in my life)
I love when i see people reference other stuff thats trending on Lemmy. One of the things I miss about reddit
Specifically, it’s percent of adults who have attempted, not completed. I don’t think anyone in this thread is suggesting it’s the latter, but that was my first thought when I saw the statistic so I thonk it’s an important thing to note.
Am I not supposed to sit in the front? I literally always do. But im 6’5 and usually don’t fit well in the backseat of cars
This will also work for conservatives, though. They will imsist that the most vulnerable people are unborn children, therefore they should vote anti-abortion
I’m a college professor that uses BB and try to make things as easy to access as possible. The same assignments and information can be found in multiple places in the course, i avoid using the jankiest Blackboard applications, I set things up so that text is visible without having to click through another link, etc. But BlackBoard doesn’t make it easy. We’re switching to Blackboard Ultra this Fall, which I think does have some improvements, especially in the UI department, but I’m doubtful it’ll be much better.
They’re just taking an educated guess. Based on fossil records we’ve estimated that homo sapiens sapiens emerged about 200k-300k years ago. I’m not sure if they assumed a middle ground estimate of 250k years here, but it was probably something like that. If we’re measuring by years, the margin of error is huge, but when we’re estimating the total number of people, it doesn’t matter that much, because there were so few of us for so long.
It definitely wouldn’t be the left image. With legs like those, you could never pull the pants up past the first (or I guess technically last) level of branching. It would either be the big pants or a large number of seperate, smaller pants on each of the lowest branches.
Even more accurate is to say that he paid the salaries of a large number of animal “house workers” hence their catchphrase “It’s a living!” They all earned their living off of that one guy’s income
Less likely to cause issues, but it might still leave residue on your pipes over time. That said, I also do that. Wipe up what I can with a paper towel, then dilute the rest with hot water and soap
I use venmo only sparingly, but whenever I do I take a peek at that page, and see mostly old college friends I no longer talk to paying people I dont know for pizza or rent or whatever. It always feels creepy.
Niche Psych reference with that name
Yeah I guess a solution that reduces food waste while also being safe for people with milk allergies and intolerances would be to slap a big ass “contains milk” sticker on the label, maybe covering up the barcode so that 1) it can’t be sold without the sticker, and 2) they can sell it at a discount. But that’s probably bad for costco’s image or whatever