What helps me with those kinds of things is to focus on enjoying the thing, whatever it is. Especially digital stuff that occupies no space in my home, I accept that it’s ok to do something as long as I enjoy it, and when it becomes repetitive or boring I can just stop.
Of course sometimes you need to push against this a bit when you know there is a slightly unpleasant section blocking more enjoyable content. The big takeaway is that it’s ok to stop if you’re not enjoying yourself anymore. No one is gonna check or care.
That brings me back! When I was a kid I did mostly good in school, but I despised history, so my mom would take the manual and make small test like question and quizzes that I could then consult the manual for to answer (but not copy). Just the change of format made it a search information task instead of reading a huge dull bunch of text.
History was always my weakest subject, but the help my mom gave always kept me from having terrible grades