My boomer dad: you probably won’t get anything because I’m paying [i.e. using my retirement] to take care of my [100 year old] mother
Me: that’s understandable
Also & 💛
My boomer dad: you probably won’t get anything because I’m paying [i.e. using my retirement] to take care of my [100 year old] mother
Me: that’s understandable
To grow the veggies bought with the food stamps. 😉
Seriously though, you can buy seeds and bulbs for growing food on food stamps. I can’t remember if live plants are covered - it’s been a few years since I’ve needed them.
My elementary school was an old Timex watch factory. It was a “temporary” building that ended up lasting 13 years. The only windows in the building were in the office and kindergarten wing. Last I checked, which was over a decade ago, the building had been turned into a firefighter training course.
So, school being a prison? All I have to do is remember my elementary school days.
I’ve only ever broken one bone… And it was the tip of my second toe on my right foot.
We’re slowly going #nolawn on our small plot of land (around 0.25 acres). Planted lots flowers during covid lockdown. Garden/flowers have grown wild the past three years. We have these wonderful bush like plants with tiny white flowers and we get all the butterflies, moths, and bees in our yard (even some wasps). Eventually we’re going to get the local prairie grass and flowers mixture so our plot can become a mini prairie in town.
Got a call from the school when my oldest was in kindergarten… “Your child just yelled ‘bite my shiny metal ass’ in the library.” I was proud and embarrassed at the same time.
I feel called out 😅
I have had whatever number of tabs open on Firefox mobile where it stops giving you a number and you get the ∞ symbol…
I’m in this meme and I don’t like it
Same here. I didn’t get diagnosed until a couple of years ago but the signs were always there…
Now I’m just biding my time until my youngest two get the diagnosis (my husband and I both are ADHD, and our other kids have already been diagnosed).
I see tenforward is leaking…
I approve.
My dog goes after the catnip filled toys - so all our pets go after the drugs. 🙃
On my lol 😂
I was medicated and mostly asleep. I’m leaving my typo. Love your response. Very true. LoL
This plus hypoglycemia 🙃 and that I rarely feel hungry before I’m starving… Thankfully I have my kids who tell me they’re hungry so I make myself eat them.
I just had parent rage remembering how my oldest’s 1st grade teacher wanted to hold them back just because their handwriting was “awful”, and their 2nd grade teacher decided to put all the talkative kids away in their own section so they “wouldn’t disturb the good kids” because THEY ALL TALKED TO EACH OTHER! This was also the same teacher that wrote “did you even study?” on a second graders spelling test when they came home with a D (that particular week had been so hard).
Sorry for ranting, but this was prior to oldest being diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. Sometimes the teachers just see flaws and lable the ND kids as trouble makers or lazy instead of thinking they need extra help. Occupational therapy helped so much with their handwriting, medication and psychotherapy helped with the ADHD, and blue light filters helped with the dyslexia.
I’m sorry you went through all that as a child.
Parent here. School decided that all of December would be dress up days this year instead of just the week before they got out for break. I went all “bah humbug” and my kiddos did not participate - except for the school colors day because they already had shirts in those colors.