I think the term is “pipeweed”
I think the term is “pipeweed”
If you and Elon disagree about something, just assume he’s wrong about it. If you both agree on something, THEN you might be mistaken.
It’s actually a very common right-wing idea to take anything publicly owned and turn it into a profit-driven private entity. Chances are, if they don’t own that entity, someone they know does. When the contract goes over budget, you know they’re enjoying the spoils.
Even if it’s owned by nobody they know, at least it’s profit-driven enough to bribe politicians for better contracts.
I will only support putting Donald Trump on Mount Rushmore if you then proceed to push him off.
I know. But he doesn’t use the term as if it describes an actual thing. He uses it to insult people he doesn’t like. He’s more than happy to BE a Nazi, but not be CALLED a Nazi.
I think they think “Nazi” or “anti-semite” is just like “bitch”; it’s an insult largely divorced from its linguistic origins. So a person is a Nazi if you don’t like what they’re doing, and the word means nothing more.
Edit: I think people misunderstood and thought I said these guys aren’t Naizs. They are. They just don’t like when people call them that because they don’t know how words work.
Do you remember how, in kids cartoons, you’d sometimes have the villains team up to do their evil deeds? It always seemed to unrealistic that they’d all be on the same team. And yet…
This should get bonus points for incrementing i by 1 as part of the process for incrementing i by 1.
There was a time when King Charles tried to overturn parliament way back in the 1600s. I forget what happened next, but I’m pretty sure it was all very civil.
See, this is why all cops are bastards. Because when you stop being a bastard, you lose your job.
I can believe these movies would be in this order, but… Wow, that’s a poor showing. And they completely left out Wake Up Dead Man and Wicked pt 2.
Neither do you, it seems. You’re not a Spinda fan, you’re a not-Spinda hater.
If you can’t build Spinda up without tearing every other Pokemon down, you don’t truly respect it.
Jarman and 11 other finalists were tasked with playing a simulated game of World of Warcraft via spreadsheet
How did he manage to fit the award ceremony into his busy schedule of having sex with beautiful models? …Probably with a spreadsheet, now I think about it.
Imagine being so unable to pleasure women that you’re jealous and petty against your wife’s dildo collection.
People asking why someone posted a picture of a pokemon to social media. It’s can’t just be that he likes Breloom or anything.
“Pokemon creature” is the most inhuman way to say that.
This is the most upsetting, and most literal, instance of “not the onion”
No, when THEY do it, it’s just condolidated democracy with a voting population of one. When OTHERS do it, it’s dictatorship from a weak, power-hungry lunatic.
“You’re gay because you like men. I’m gay because I hate women.”