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Sync shows contents of links(can see the youtube video above) and will give you a warning if it links to rickroll
Lego my eggo
My god I have not laughed that hard in a long time
A small personal bag of Cheetos cost more than a can of Campbell’s soup. I would think the metal alone would cost more than the whole bag and chips inside. We are being fleeced.
Id like to add in on this, there are more dine in theaters than there use to be. Big one in my area would be thluie Alamo Draft House. Quality isnt what it use to be, but is still better than most. They also tend to reshow alot of older movies, will never forget seeing the original Predator movie and they were handing you a kids cap gun with a pack of the round ring of ammo on your way to the seats.
The hell is wrong with yoga??? It is a awsome self weight exercise and cardio program. Better for you than running.
This has become me at work now :(