If it’s afull button up then it’s only got 2 holes, plus all the button holes.
If it’s afull button up then it’s only got 2 holes, plus all the button holes.
It not being taught is not quite the same as the outright denial / suppression that China does though.
Like there are only so many hours in the school day, you can’t teach literally every historical event.
In a “true free market” the instructions would be hoarded by the company that came up with them and the insulin would be sold for as much as humanly possible. The only countries that don’t suffer from this issue are the ones where the government is handling Healthcare and dictates what it’s willing to pay for medicine.
You anti government regulation types sure as fuck don’t seem to understand how we got to having all these regulations. Hint it was companies abusing their customers and employees to the point where tens of thousands of people were dying, for each regulation.
Both are the fucking problem.
People who look at Trump and Biden and go, ew I’m not voting Biden because he supports genocide, are just saying they support Trump because he does even more genocide.
Fuck off your fucking high horse.
Cool, welcome to reality where I don’t think you will ever find a organization that is healthy head to toe.
Honestly I don’t think they exist at all but I know you’ll come back with some nitpick cherrypicked example as “proof”
It’s also not an issue on every other USB c controller made.
It’s an apple issue because Apple made poor choices because Apple insists they have to be different in a special broken way. Because people like you are too far up your own ass to know any better.
First one makes you sound d like bugs bunny, second one makes you sound like a proper Canadian.
Surface to air missiles use various forms of shrapnel depending on the missile, this is basically 100% a SAM. This also looks very similar to the damage from the other airliner Russia shot down a few years ago with one of their mobile Sam units.
Something is wrong there then, because no other ethernet spec is going to cap at 800 Mbps, it’s 10, 100, 1000, 2.5g 5g 10g etc
And yet in Canada after legalization use has infact remained the same.
Ah yes because desiring to know the race of the victim in order to compare two situations, and demonstrate the inequality of treatment based on race makes me racist.
Just because you omit the part where it was about race doesn’t make it not about race.
You stand with terrorism and murdering children. The Israeli government is shit.
I’d love to, but Isreal seems intent on bombing everyone who enters Gaza. Aid workers, children, and evacuees alike.
I mean, the bleeding stops after less than 1 week of proper flossing.
Well it tends to rise and set in the same direction as the sun because the earth spinning is what causes them to rise and set.
First grade starts at 6 in North America, 5 if your born late in the year, kindergarten and pre k might get you as early as 4, but this kid was 10 that 5th and 4th grade, my parents wanted me out and about as much as possible at that age, just being home at dark and for dinner.
This sort of nanny state neighbor hood busy body bullshit is constantly perpetuated by elderly conservatives with too much time on their hands.
Liberals arent the fucking snowflakes conservatives claim they are, but conservatives sure act like one.
True, I felt it was fitting for someone claiming someone else is what they are, but I agree your take isn’t insane.
Both sides would refer to equivalent people doing it, so actual political members of the party since that’s where the Republicans set the bar, not just some random public citizens on the internet.