Sadly no. It’s called the upside down tree because it looks that way due to the way it was cultivated. https://web.archive.org/web/20161101060819/http://old.ubyssey.ca/culture/discover-the-best-trees-on-campus-992/
Sadly no. It’s called the upside down tree because it looks that way due to the way it was cultivated. https://web.archive.org/web/20161101060819/http://old.ubyssey.ca/culture/discover-the-best-trees-on-campus-992/
I haven’t been able to go to the market without being handed at least one mandarine for free since december.
It is a smiley face… sorry for the bad quality
I have the exact same issue! Haven’t met anyone else with the same problem yet. Really sucks that more and more non-diet drinks are containing some amount of artificial sweetener.
Are annual welness exams common in the us? I’ve only ever gone to the doctor when somethings wrong. Presumably urgent cases can still be booked within a few days?
I recently moved to france and they just don’t sell kale around where I live. Stampot cravings get real!
The french text says it is average levels over a full year. Also, the source is listed in the image.
Pooping is more like dropping the empty cartridge.
Looks like they used an automatic thesaurus to cover plagiarism.
I would love to see that!
Does that require you to watch via vpn all the time or just when you make the account?
I was backpacking with my boyfriend and our dog one time and sitting in front of the supermarket with the dog while he went shopping. It was hot so I had a bowl of water for the dog. First a person dropped 5 euros in the water bowl, which I quickly gave back, explaining in broken french I was not homeless. Next, a kid gave me a bag of croissants and a bag of dog treats! I couldn’t refuse, so now we are always on the lookout for beggars and dogs to pay it forward. We already succesfully bought treats for two dogs and gave a bag of croissants to a woman with a young child begging.
If you eat well and work out, you are probably looking really nice! Don’t compare yourself to “perfect” people on instagram, compare yourself with who you where before (or just for fun with the average person in wallmart). It also helps to find another goal than simple looking good, such as lifting a certain weight, or participate in sport events. Makes it all way more fun.
I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with lousy people while you’re going throught this! Have the doctors given you any idea on what to expect? The references on wikipedia state most symptoms stop in people with couvade a few weeks after their wife gives birth.
I didn’t know that, thanks! Guess my whole-grain bread with cottage cheese snack still works 💪
They don’t advice to eat only bread, just to reduce other foods while eating 6 slices if bread. If bread is whole grain and no added sugars, it’s actually a pretty good source for protein, which is what you want to eat a lot of while dieting to maintain muscle mass.
My boyfriend has size 48 and has had a lot of problems with finding shoes since we moved from the netherlands to france. But in the netherlands most stores carry at least a few options in his size.