Patton Oswalt has a whole bit of how cleaned up G rated filth is a million times worse than just swearing.
Patton Oswalt has a whole bit of how cleaned up G rated filth is a million times worse than just swearing.
I listened to that Beefheart album and I’d beg to disagree.
There’s been a few different recalls. If you’re someone who doesn’t use a lot, you might have some that’s tainted.
Probably best to get unground spices. Your spices will taste better anyhow. Maybe a little less sweet, but… spicier.
The people denying coverage frequently aren’t even doctors. Talk to some doctors and they’ll happily tell you the arguments they get into with people from insurance companies who have no medical degrees.
These companies will deny a claim, and then route you to a call center in another country.
You probably would though, there are no single manned space missions far as I know.
That and the fact that I bought $20 in razors like 2 years ago and I’ve yet to buy more.
See, if you were into Gundam text rpgs on GeoCities forums in the late 90s, this is something you’d have encountered in the wild already.
I’ll just lick both handles to be safe
How does this solve it for the elites?
Do the whole unit and if something goes wrong tell the doc you fucked Shrek.
Those be yeast queefs
Faceswap the offender’s face onto lemonparty in real time.
We have this technology.
A real man doesn’t consistently miss their call time by 5 hours.
You’re missing my point.
There’s zero income if you’re an unknown podcaster and there’s zero demand for it.
Almost anyone can grow something and there’s always demand for fresh produce.
I could work equally hard at either task and one would actually net returns for my work. This isn’t saying farming is easy.
I’m not saying working your way up to earning a living farming would be any way easy, but you could be earning something a lot sooner than a podcast if you’re starting from zero in both scenarios.
Unless you’re famous, wildly charismatic, or have some very specialized knowledge I’m not sure how you break into the podcasting game. I mean you could have a podcast, but it wouldn’t earn you a living.
Farming you could have microgreens or mushrooms in customer hands in a few weeks and that could be done from a closet after watching some youtube videos.
Maybe they don’t like listening to soft rock.
We keep telling you that you gotta stop winking when you tell people you play the mouth harp.
Why is Dave in sales called Human Resources?
I remember dropping Koreans from Diablo 2 by filling the text box with periods. I may have watched some friends ruin some hard-core players days in pvp.