Why is this is n shitpost? Go crosspost this to /comics or /memes or whatever, it’s great.
Why is this is n shitpost? Go crosspost this to /comics or /memes or whatever, it’s great.
It’s the same cartoonist who did the absolutely iconic comic of the guy who wins third but still pops champagne and kisses the girl and all that. I recognize the style. Don’t know the artist tho.
So I guess past experience, basically? We’ll see. Political violence is not justifiable but no one really likes that orange prick except his little goon army so we’ll see how long the sympathy lasts.
I’m in the US but I don’t necessarily see any proof of this. I’m not sure where this narrative is coming from, it’s very strange.
This is the Comics, uh, sub(?), so it’s cool if I nerd out, right?
This artist did a great job w contrast and has some nice psuedo cross-hatching work happening and pretty clearly did their own lettering, which is always welcome.
But, like, you can also pretty clearly tell this was done on, I’m guessing an iPad, but definitely a digital tool.
I would love to see this artist work with ink. I believe they would make very different decisions about line placement and I’d be interested to see what they come up with.
Anyways, as is it’s fantastic.
Haha, those silly weirdos!
Well, that’s it. Art is dead.
I like the down votes. Maybe if you all don’t like it hard enough it will stop being true! Keep trying!
No it’s not!
Oh wait, nvmd yes it is.
I’m with you so I pay a subscription (it is literally the only one I pay for) but even that is not enough as the enshittification is encouraging creators to release special videos just for their own channel subscribers now. So I need subscriptions on top of my subscriptions (dawg).
YouTube (Google/Alphabet) is a monopoly that needs to be smashed to itty bits.
There’s also the games trap as MS gobbles up development studios left and right. I’m guessing that’s not a coincidence.
I’m personally not a fan of Steam, but HUGE props to Valve for thinking ahead.
Honestly, I just wish they would ditch that disgusting foot logo. I hate it.
Heh, “artist.”