We had that here in quebec, it happened to our neighbors, not sure who snitched on them, they even went through the trouble of not parking at the same place.
We had that here in quebec, it happened to our neighbors, not sure who snitched on them, they even went through the trouble of not parking at the same place.
What anti trans laws are you refering to? I wasn’t aware of that.
Been using arch with DWM for a decade, why would I want to try anything else?
What’s hard to do is the engine, you can just take gecko or webkit and make your own browser. I doubt Mozilla’s AI ventures will affect gecko, probably just the browser itself.
That’s exactly what the vast majority of AUR packages do already? You can also apply modifications to the compilation process if needed.
Because not everyone makes their political alignment their entire personality.
There are plenty of places where not having a car isn’t even a possibility. If I didn’t have a car, not only would I be unable to work, I’d probably also starve to death, or perhaps have to eat gas station food the rest of my life.
If this is from Ivanka’s speech, it’s not, just a bad angle.
Different POVs (at the end):
Everyone, including criminals, should be able to vote or run for presidency. In the end, what’s a crime and what’s not is decided by the law, which is made by the politicians. What’s to stop a president from making something illegal for the sole purpose of making their opponents criminals so they are guaranteed a win next election?
Is any other country a democracy? I thought for it to be a democracy you needed “everyone” to vote for every law rather than electing representatives.
Anything less than the full unmodded suckless suite is unacceptable
Sa aide pas que 90% dla TV que ben du monde ont grandis avec avant l’internet etait en francais de france. Jte dis derniere fois chu allé a Montreal chu resté surpris comment lmonde parle ben. Pas comme en france, mais pas ben loin…
on la demandé, sa juste pas passé heureusement…
That’s fair, it’s personal preference I suppose. If ever you’re interested, remember that there are always cheats/mods that can make the game easier if you want to experience the world and story.
They don’t have to be, I feel like their reputation might be what stresses newcomers to the genre more than the game itself.
Try flameshot or spectacle, way better.
10m for anyone. If you’re able to go through the bios to boot on your usb, you’re able to take 5m to to google “gaming on x distro” and paste 3 commands (steam, lutris/bottles, nvidia drivers)
gaming distros aren’t the mess you say they are
As someone who occasionally spends time helping people on forums, I’ve noticed that a very good chunk of people having issues are people using gaming distros or arch.
Another issue is the kernel mods that sometimes comes with those distros. A few years ago they were mostly all good, now the official kernel is generally better. If you look at recent benchmarks, the modded kernels will give you +2-5 fps in very specific tests and then -30 in the next. They also vastly vary by hardware. This results in many users having performance issues in some places but nobody being able to debug why.
Nobara might be the only one that is maintained and popular enough to make sense for anyone to use, the others are straight up traps.
That’s the thing I don’t get. It only takes 5m starting from a fresh ubuntu/mint and the likes to be gaming ready. Even if you have no clue how to use a computer, there are hundreds of guides on how to do it in maybe 10m. Compare that to getting a gaming distro, which would save you those 10m but you’d pay the price next time you have an issue and realise the distro is way too niche for you to get a non-technical answer.
It’s not gatekeeping, I’m not keeping anyone away from Linux, I’m giving them a better path so they can have a smoother experience.
Quite, we had many measures like that during covid. Not allowed to go on walks after 8pm unless you have a dog? Well guess what, everyone bought a dog, resulting in a surge of abandonned dogs when covid ended.