Everyone that voted “uncommitted” just flattened Gaza… hood job voting for genocide you dumb fucks. You deserve this
Everyone that voted “uncommitted” just flattened Gaza… hood job voting for genocide you dumb fucks. You deserve this
Nope, fake news, y’all cheated. That’s the only thing you should hear for the next 4 years. Your a pussy and a liar and voted for a child rapist.
It’s only fraudulent if they lose… like morals pussies
Oh trump is going to help flatten Gaza with such a raging boner. Everyone that voted “uncommitted” has the blood on their hands they blamed others. Fucking repugnant
stolen election, fake news, time to throw a hissy fit and storm the capital and then blame the feds like a pussy… I mean is there any other way to handle this?
lol why would anyone want get away from Russian rule? Are they not like super awesome all the time? Hey what happened to that guy that simply tried to run for not dictator? Oh the dictator killed him? Ya sounds about right.
The way my wife and I play is who can cheat the most and get away with it. If your caught cheating it’s a flip of the coin whether or not you get put in jail. At which point people usually forget that they have to pass you and you can usually just start rolling the dice again and hope you don’t get called out for escaping from jail.
I don’t see any comments saying it’s real though
Edit: 1 comment saying probably lol
I can’t tell if that first period is on accident or not and it changes the entire structure and point.
If you’re saying that we know what Bliken promises and says behind closed doors I’m going to need a source.
What does not being surprised by the call matter?
No, you’re not right. We have literally ZERO idea what happens in the talks for a ceasefire. Sure I agree we should just stop sending them weapons. Is it that cut and dry? And especially now with dipshit Donny and bibi talking on the side.
What does “finish the job “ mean to you? People In glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
We see articles about trump talking with bibi to stall or delay any ceasefire because it’ll help Harris… you post this?
A meme in a meme community you say? Wild…
Yeah he was supposed to talk about the economy but didn’t(again) so it just looked weird having random groceries next to him lol
I just like that he thinks a wig is worn down, low on the forehead and not… ya know where the hair line is
Rich doesn’t smart just as religious doesn’t mean moral
Because there won’t be anyone left to kill