Wow, show that you are a far right extremist without saying that you are a far right extremist
Wow, show that you are a far right extremist without saying that you are a far right extremist
But you can subvert expectations without propagating rape culture. And I can’t find something that does, to be funny. Just like I can’t like racist jokes and similar.
Here we have an anthropomorphized pig, or a woman represented as a humanoid pig, getting kidnapped and eaten. If this woman or whatever is able to be part of human society as pictured, eating her fits the moral meaning of cannibalism.
The comic is just using the pig visual to “joke” about rape, but if you think about it a few seconds the joke is not much better, especially with the underlying tones of showing women as victims, the only difference between a human woman and a pig woman being that one is good for rape, the other as food.
I personally can’t even understand how this can be funny.
A joke combining rape culture and cannibalism, fun.
Because this comic either supports shit opinions, or pretends that everyone hates big CEOs which is absurdly wrong.
The person shown here is the one that elected a rich crap as president of the US. They love big powerful CEOs.
Even in fiction, Iron Man’s superpower is basically to be a rich influential CEO, just wrapped in some nice bullshit to make it sound cool.
So it confuses me because then the meaning of the comic would be to support a fascist stance (since the other possibility is unrealistic), which I don’t believe is the intent of the author.
But they don’t. People worship shits like Trump, Musk, Bezos, etc.
This confuses me. Is it showing that the guy is right? Or pretending that fascists are not supporting CEOs?
No matter how I look at it it doesn’t make sense.
Only fascists think that ;)
And a lot of other things that I’m too lazy to list
“Reflective of its time” so of a time where being offensive and discriminatory was seen as fine or even cool. The show is more offensive than the first Star Trek that was decades earlier. Being offensive has nothing to do with the time period, if people were fine with it, it doesn’t mean that it is fine and not offensive.
And this show was mostly made of jokes targeting a minority or showing horrible behaviours as funny. Seems like enough to call it offensive.
I mean, it is offensive. Everyone knows it (I hope).
The actor of Kramer was even caught throwing racist insults in public so you know.
Wtf is wrong with you
It is dystopian to expect people to be fine with unreliable means of living while billionaires exist.
If you’re fine with it you are just part of the dystopia.
Child sexual abuser is not pedo? Wtf are you on?
Ah yes, the rapist supporter.
She can go to hell.
The term boomer refers to a mentality, not to the generation anymore.
By the current use of the term, yes, they all are, as this use refers to people who refuse change out of irrational belief that old times were better, glorify a violent and fascist past, and deny the existence of modern science because they refuse to adapt their obsolete lifestyle.
Once again, I hope for you that people who see you as a monster don’t think the same.
No matter the context, I stand by my point.
A necessary evil is still evil, that’s a sad truth but it doesn’t make it more moral.
Stop reposting this shit when it gets deleted