TIE fighter reference perhaps?
TIE fighter reference perhaps?
Looks like a right hand gripping the table
For sure, I was just trying to make a little joke about the willful misunderstanding.
Panels 8 and 9.
We literally can’t, not while the structures we live in are built to benefit men.
Equality will only come with structural change, which at times will look like reverse sexism. But if a woman is hired with half the publications, and it is twice as hard for a woman to get published (just as a fictional example), then it’s not really reverse sexism even if it looks like that on the surface.
Plenty of physics sub-fields are still led by experiments, such as condensed matter physics. I don’t know if your statement applies to anything other than particle physics?
Or: We’re using math to summarise what the experiments have said so far. And then using that to extrapolate what might happen in the next experiment.
I would argue that physics is based more on experiments than math.
Realistically it’s not feasible to set up separate systems for separate levels of tech knowledge and expect it to not be abused.
Yes, it’s more of a hassle to do proper 2FA, but it helps the grannies of the world not be scammed out of their life savings, ultimately enabling greater digitalisation, which I find extremely helpful.
The two that lie in a shape are part of the first “w”
Are there any sources for this?
I think it’s someone lying on their side? Like a sexy lying down pose with a leg and an arm stretched out.
Something like this, perhaps: https://youtu.be/HNMq8XS4LhE?si=XqWX5uZFBWKNbJAb
Ah yes, sorry, I’ve corrected my comment to micrograms.
You can eat it just fine, just don’t eat it regularly for a long time.
An ounce of their Dark Chocolate has 134% of the California MADL dose of 0.5 micrograms of lead, for those wondering about details.
The US makes the case that Israel has a functioning judicial system, not the ICC. The ICC and the UN makes the opposite case, and correctly so, I would say.
Indeed. The whole criticism of the ICC comes from the viewpoint that Israel has a functioning, independent judiciary able to sentence Netanyahu for war crimes, and therefore the ICC shouldn’t intervene.
I have no idea if that is true, but the fact that it hasn’t happened yet makes me feel like it might very well not be.
They don’t have an army, true, but the reason they don’t need one is that they are a part of NATO, and are exempt from the requirements of contributing to NATOs standing forces in return for providing facilities and land to the alliance.
So Björk is being at bit disingenuous. It’s not like the Icelanders are a shining beacon of pacifism and diplomacy, they’re just part of a big military alliance.
See https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/declassified_162083.htm
Much better