spoiler: it isnt. HumanSpiral is a huge pro-war, pro-russia simp.
spoiler: it isnt. HumanSpiral is a huge pro-war, pro-russia simp.
When we had our kid, it wasnt even mentioned. An “at request” service.
That’s… How it works? They didn’t inspect themselves and pat themselves on the back, but brought in pros, and worked with them and avidwd by their findings?
They set a very high bar in this one specific area.
Not sure if you are joking or not… If not, did you watch the video?
Oh, I need that pic.
Either 2 or 4. Buy a couple drinks, set my phone to record, and just agree with everything they say… See how far you can get them to go
Duncan Holden [last name] Duncan (Idaho), (James) Holden [last name]
the expanse is soo good, some of the best scifi ever made. 10/10, named my kid after the show.
fair enough, guess i for got that from… holy shit, has it been 8 years already???
for sure. I love him as a TV persona, but definitly feel he and I would NOT get along in person.
yea, they are usually so apolitical! Love to see the support.
The evidence that it’s fake… The tapes…
Because there is no other evidence, such as the broadcast, the retro reflectors, the recent photos from satellites, returned momentos, quotes and people who lived through it… And you know, the USSR not debunking it at the time.
Too bad none of that exists.
It’s, what, 60 years after the moon landing, and nothinging has been been exposed
But next week, right?
that would make me worried about her house, black mold can be invisible and have nasty effects like that.
“when you are empty, and you have to drive right away, its faster to refuel your car with petrol”
My relatives dont have a charger at home, they just plug their car into an outlet, and get ~40km range over night. That more than enough for the daily commute.
yea, but at the top of the email it says “go ad-free for free”
similar, i used Random User Agent, it shows that i have a unique finger print… but the user agent of that fingerprint is not ‘my’ user agent, so in 30 mintutes i would appear as a different fingerprint
Thats a good point, I would definitely give again if there was any sign they were actually in financial hardship.
In the end, the amount i donated more than offsets (likely by 100x) the amount of traffic i’ve generated.
I gave until i realized how much money wikipedia has, to the point its own moderators are pushing back against further fundraising.
Yes, I’m sure Russians believe that invading another nation and sending their children to die is “defensive.” After all, they’re fed the propaganda of the fascist dictator, Putin. Just as the people of North Korea are made to believe the outside world is evil…