How is slavery bad for capitalism?
Slavery is amazing for capitalism.
Slavery is cheap labor.
Capitalism loves cheap labor.
How is slavery bad for capitalism?
Slavery is amazing for capitalism.
Slavery is cheap labor.
Capitalism loves cheap labor.
Most toilet bowls are made of porcelain, which is different from plain ceramic.
Is it really from scratch if you don’t raise the piglet and butcher it yourself?
Screws maybe
But you have to machine a hole in the metal for the screw to function
You know how hard it would be to drill a hole for a screw in a cave with scrap parts and no power drill?
All you need to crudely weld, probably as strong as a screw, is heat. Fire is easy in a cave.
I’d wager they could melt some metal together before devising a cave drill press.
We have no idea what metal or alloy it is. They could have an alloy that melts easily, but once hard, it adheres to other metals and practically unbreakable. Just find some scraps of that alloy to easily weld.
You’re building a light saber.
Do you:
A. Weld everything
B. Drill holes and thread the holes for a bolt
I’m sure they have some kind of crazy riveting technology. Is she installing screws because she wants to be able to easily take apart her lightsaber if needed?
I’ve snapped so many Robertson bits in my life. Screws are fine.
1 5/8" cement board screws
They used to be Robertson. They switched to Torx.
Night and day difference
Like you said, they do grip like a mofo, and with an impact driver, the bits snap.
I tried dozens of different brands of bits. Even paid top dollar for special Milwaukee ones.
I was at a point where I had to pre-drill and counter sink the screws because I was breaking too many bits.
I could probably drive a torx head one through a board
I play mostly on my Xbox. I got all my games and stuff downloaded on that.
If I am playing a PC game, it would be SC2, and I don’t use steam. Haven’t since CS source.
I carry around the keyboard always with my tablet because it’s the screen protector when closed. There’s no way I’d carry a separate keyboard and play SC2 on a 7.4 inch screen, that sounds miserable.
It’s probably similar. You could just use your phone and controller. My phone screen 6.8 inches, not the best ratio, but the steamdeck is only 7.4 inches.
Like I’ve been saying, they are basically the same.
Yeah, a laptop can get left out of the equation. Tablet or phone are better.
I don’t need a docking station to hook my tablet to TV. I can even stream my tablet screen wirelessly to TV.
Carrying around the docking station goes against it being portable.
Theoretically, all I need is my tablet or phone. 1 item. The controller helps with some games.
You keep saying 3 items…and because my xbox weighs 10+ pounds.
My tablet weighs 1.6 pounds. Steamdeck is 1.48 pounds. Xbox controller weighs .63 pounds.
You’re talking about half a pound difference in weight. Tablet takes little to no space and the controller probably half of the steamdeck.
Steamdeck would be great for rides on the subway, walking, and maybe some other things where you need to be fully mobile. I get that aspect of it. Though I can easily pull out just my tablet and play a ton of games that aren’t “mobile games”
I’ve been gaming like this for longer than the steamdeck has been out. I saw the steamdeck and said “why would I want that?” And never got one.
The Xbox processes the game.
Tablet just streams screen and sends inputs from/to Xbox.
So you don’t really need an extreme tablet/phone/laptop
Im bringing my tablet/phone anywhere I’m going, so having a steamdeck would just be an extra thing to carry and worry about charging.
You can do on-screen controls that aren’t bad for some games. Otherwise, Xbox controller.
The controller in the steamdeck has to kill its battery life some. 2 extra AA batteries, and I could use my Xbox controller for weeks.
I’d rather have 4x the screen size and not have to hold it the entire time while being semi-mobile. I’m not going to walk around and play on a steamdeck, maybe some do and then that’s a plus on the steamdeck.
Steam deck is nice and I can see why people enjoy it. My thing is why more people don’t like tablet/phone/laptop gaming and talk about the steamdeck like it’s a game changer.
My tablet is basically my PC at home. I can access and do everything remotely, including gaming.
I don’t need to bring my Xbox around. Simply open the xbox app and my Xbox screen is now on my tablet anywhere I’m at.
My tablet can stream onto bigger displays or even stream my PC.
You don’t need to carry around the console
I can use my phone or tablet as a portable screen for my Xbox
Can even use it as a portable screen for my PC
Why would I want a steam deck vs having a bigger tablet screen and a controller I don’t have to stare at?
Portability, but the steamdeck is as portable as my tablet if it can’t fit it into a pocket.
Extention cords are dangerous because they are not always the right gauge.
People get cheap extention cords and try to pull more power than the cord can handle and it ends up heating the cord and causing a fire.
It’s why a lot of things say “Do not use an extention cord! Plug directly into wall.” Because they know someone is going to use a dollar store extention cord on a space heater.
Not because the space heater won’t work with an extention cord
Most people care about plug type (low profile) or color more than they do the quality or gauge of the wire.
Anyways, this cord could be dangerous like that if the gauge isn’t the same or thicker than what’s in the wall.
You don’t have a peanut pan to cook two pancakes at once?
This is not a discussion about how likely it is to happen, but that the electoral college is unbalanced because NOT EVERY VOTE WEIGHS THE SAME.
If you had been reading my comments, you’d know I know the electoral college is unbalanced.
It being unbalanced is the whole reason it exists
To make sure the high populated states don’t always get what they want and give smaller populated states more voice
This is not a discussion about how likely it is to happen, but that the electoral college is unbalanced because NOT EVERY VOTE WEIGHS THE SAME.
This is a discussion about how likely one voter is to affect the election
You are trying to make it not about that
The question is, “Does someone voting in Wyoming have more “voting power” than someone in California?”
It’s like if I wanted Candidate A to win. Would it be better if I lived in Wyoming or California?
I’ve said before that someone in Wyoming has more EV per capita. “NOT EVERY VOTE WEIGHS THE SAME.”
My point is one voter swinging Wyoming and then Wyoming swinging the EC, is never going to happen before one voter swings California and California’s EVs just mattering like they always do.
Lower population does not automatically mean more “voting power”
That Pennsylvania, 19 EC 13m Pop., has more “voting power” than both California and Wyoming
Pennsylvania has 1/3 population of California. But 1/3 EC would be 17.5.
A single voter in Pennsylvania has higher chances of being the deciding vote than in California, and Pennsylvania gets more EV per capita.
19 EC is enough to realistically change the election. 3 EC is not.
That’s why Pennsylvania is a “swing state” and Wyoming is not.
One vote in wyoming weighs more than one vote in California
So you’re saying that a single voter in Wyoming voting for Candidate A means more than a single voter in California voting for Candidate A?
In order for any of Wyoming votes to even matter, the two candidates would have to be at 268-267 and need Wyoming to be the tie breaker. It would have to come down as a perfect swing state.
California’s 53 EV always matters. Harris had to win California to even have a chance at winning.
Neither candidate had to win Wyoming to win
Odds that California comes down to a 20m vs 20m tie or Wyoming coming down to a 250k vs 250k tie are basically the same.
Even if Wyoming was tied like that and 1 voter could make a difference. It would still have to be 268-267 EVs to even matter
Only 2 states to simplify things
Wyoming 3 EV
California 53 EV
56 EV total, 29 EV need to win
Wyoming still has more EV per capita
California wants Candidate B
Wyoming wants Candidate A
Who decides the election? (California)
If what you’re saying is that the smaller population with more EV per capita has more pull in an election, then Wyoming would actually have a shot at making Candidate A win by themselves.
California has 53/538 EV.
California controls 10% of the total EVs
Wyoming controls .06%
TLDR again:
As a voter, being able to effect 10% of the total EVs is more powerful than being able to effect .06%.
It wasn’t about how much the states electoral votes matter, but how much a single persons vote matters in the entire election.
How electoral votes matter is the whole point. If it was done by pure population they would have equal voting power. They do not have equal voting power because the electoral votes matter.
1 person in Wyoming makes more difference in how Wyoming election turns out. Less population, more influence.
There are 538 electoral votes divided over 50 states
Wyoming has 3
California has 54
Wyoming has 584k people
California has 39m people
In Wyoming each voters has 5.137E-6 electoral votes to cast
In California each voters has 8.98305085E−7 electoral votes to cast
Now winner takes all electoral votes aside. Someone in Wyoming is contributing more electoral votes to their candidate than someone in California.
This is what’s always argued when talking about voting power based on population
If the candidate needs 270 to win, if I am able to give more to a candidate with my vote, my vote is more powerful in a way.
There has been two elections decided by 3 electoral votes. 1876 Hayes and 1796 Adams. Total electoral votes at the time were 261 and 138, respectively. It would be equivalent to winning by 6 and 12 votes today with the 538 electoral votes. So while it was 3, those 3 votes meant a lot more back then when it was 3/261 or 3/138.
If 50.000 people in California changes their vote it hardly matters. If 50.000 people in wyoming do that, it heavily influences the outcome of who wyoming votes for.
Like I said earlier, yes, Wyoming voters have more influence on who wins their electoral votes and they have more electoral votes per person
California with 53 electoral votes is a 106 point swing. Taking 53 electoral votes from the winning candidate and giving it to the runner up would change the majority of all the elections.
Think of it this way:
2 states just California and Wyoming. California has 53 votes, Wyoming 3.
56 votes total. Need 29 votes to win.
Biggest issue the candidates are running on is spending money on beaches.
Candidate A: For spending
Candidate B: Against spending
California wants A, Wyoming wants B.
If what you’re saying is true, then Wyoming should have the most power in this election because each of their votes count more than a person in California.
584k deciding 3 electoral votes vs 39m deciding 53 electoral votes
Yet every single person in Wyoming could vote candidate B, and it’s still going to be up to California to decide
So would you want to be a voter in Wyoming or California?
California because your vote doesn’t matter in Wyoming. No matter who you vote for in Wyoming, California is going to decide. You want to be able to cast your vote in California to hopefully swing the state
If you gave those 584k Wyoming voters the chance to not cast their vote in Wyoming but instead cast their vote in California against the 39m, they would be wise to do it. Doesn’t matter where 3/56 electoral votes go, it matters much more where the 53/56 electoral votes go.
So yes, while each voter in California has less effect on the California electoral votes. California has more effect on the total electoral votes.
Being able to participate in a more important election is worth more than having more influence in an election that is next to meaningless.
Wyoming has the lowest population.
Makes sense why candidates spend all their time trying to get these powerful voters on their side. Those 3 electoral votes really makes it the most powerful swing state.
Someone in Wyoming has more electoral votes to their votes, yes. And I believe that is the point you’re making.
If everyone in Wyoming voted for Candidate A. Candidate A has basically the same chance of winning or losing.
If everyone in California voted for Candidate A. Candidate A has a lot better chance of winning.
It’s more powerful to be able to vote in something that actually matters than to vote in something that doesn’t.
You could just not count any votes in Wyoming and still call the overall winner 99.999% of the time. It would have to come down to 3 electoral votes tie breaker for their votes to even matter. Whereas every vote in California always matters.
Like in this last election. If Harris won every “swing state”. But Trump could have won California and he’d win the election.
Electoral college has It’s pros and cons but “The smaller the state’s population the more their vote counts.” Isn’t true.
It’s the middle size, “swing states”, that the voters have the most powerful.
You aren’t a drop in the bucket like California, but your state has enough electoral votes to actually swing things.
Disclaimer: I wrote this all for myself not to change your mind or argue. Helps if I write down my thoughts and I don’t see a problem sharing. Feel free to discuss if you like.
35 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
35 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
30 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
41 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
29 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
30 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
Alice wins
Carol wins
Say you have:
41 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
29 voters: Third-party > Democratic > Republican
30 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
If those 29 voters couldn’t vote Third-party they would vote Democratic. So when the Third-party candidate is knocked out, their votes should favor their second pick. Democratic wins 59-41.
If it was:
41 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
29 voters: Third-party > Republican > Democratic
30 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
Which makes more since on why the 6 votes moved to Republican because Republican was their second choice.
Then Republicans win 70-30.
In America you’d have 4 basic senarios
25 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
25 voters: Third-party > Democratic > Republican
25 voters: Third-party > Republican > Democratic
25 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
In RCV, Third-party wins.
Let’s say this
30 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
25 voters: Third-party > Democratic > Republican
20 voters: Third-party > Republican > Democratic
25 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
Third-party still wins
40 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
10 voters: Third-party > Democratic > Republican
10 voters: Third-party > Republican > Democratic
40 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
It would be a tie
45 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
10 voters: Third-party > Democratic > Republican
5 voters: Third-party > Republican > Democratic
40 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
It would still be a tie
45 voters: Republican > Third-party > Democratic
5 voters: Third-party > Democratic > Republican
10 voters: Third-party > Republican > Democratic
40 voters: Democratic > Third-party > Republican
Republicans win
Let’s change it to this:
35 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
35 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
30 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
41 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
29 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
30 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
Alice wins
Alice wins
They couldn’t make their whole point if you just switched Alice and Carol. And it makes much more sense that someone with Alice second would change it to Alice first.
But when 29 votes still hold Alice as last, it does have some weight.
Something just seems off about it and it’s because they cherry picked a senario that would work for their point.
Alice > Carol > Bob
Alice > Bob > Carol
Bob > Alice > Carol
Bob > Carol > Alice
Carol > Alice > Bob
Carol > Bob > Alice
There are 6 ways to vote and they leave out half of them. Then they make Carol supporters favor Alice as their second choice.
20 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
15 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
15 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
20 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
20 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
10 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
Carol eliminated, +10 Bob +20 Alice. Alice would win.
If 5 voters from Bob > Alice > Carol were moved to Alice > Bob > Carol
20 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
20 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
10 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
20 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
20 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
10 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
Alice would win
What if everyone from Bob > Alice > Carol moved to vote for Alice > Bob > Carol
20 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
30 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
0 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
20 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
20 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
10 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
It would be a tie.
In bold are the three they selected:
20 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
15 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
15 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
20 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
10 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
20 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
5 voters from Bob > Carol > Alice moved to Alice > Carol > Bob. Just like their example.
26 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
15 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
15 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
14 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
10 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
20 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
Alice 41
Bob 28
Carol 30
Bob is eliminated.
15 votes goes to Alice. 14 goes to Carol.
Alice still wins.
But they set it up like:
20 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
15 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
0 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
35 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
10 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
20 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
5 voters from Bob > Carol > Alice moved to Alice > Carol > Bob. Just like their example.
26 voters: Alice > Carol > Bob
15 voters: Alice > Bob > Carol
0 voters: Bob > Alice > Carol
29 voters: Bob > Carol > Alice
10 voters: Carol > Alice > Bob
20 voters: Carol > Bob > Alice
Then when Bob is eliminated all 29 votes go to Carol.
Then they say “It’s unfair that Carol wins”. When in reality those 29 people would prefer Carol over Alice.
RCV might have some flaws but that article has some flaws.
I haven’t looked at the others. I might later.
Could be a better term for “Hash Browns”
Potato + Hash = Potash
Hash could be anything chopped up. Really should say Potato Hash Browns to be specific.
Could say Potash Browns or simply Potash