Law is typically enforced at the end of a gun. If the government won’t do anything to stop these people, someone else will.
Known on another site as Gamiac.
Law is typically enforced at the end of a gun. If the government won’t do anything to stop these people, someone else will.
Same applies to geothermal.
lava is really hot
use lava to boil water
use steam to turn a generator
free electricity!
Hmm. Self-organizing projects whose workers work on them entirely based on their need to be done, and the results freely distributed to anyone who wants a copy?
Literal fascism, obviously.
IDK, maybe the penguins and seals of Antarctica might get mad at us for drilling for oil down there or something.
I know, right? It’s like he’s an incredibly shitty sci-fi villain.
Lose a world war.
If these fuckers get their way, I will, at some point, start seeing murder cases where the perpetrator is a woman and default to thinking that the charges are bullshit because of this.
Or Malbolge.