I used to play and I know it’s a time sink, but Eve Online is so open ended, that you do you and know one gives a fuck about any ranking system.
I used to play and I know it’s a time sink, but Eve Online is so open ended, that you do you and know one gives a fuck about any ranking system.
Not a developer. I just wonder about AI hallucinations come about. Is it the ‘need’ to complete the task requested at the cost of being wrong?
-We haven’t had capitalism.
Continues on with Capitalistic solutions.
Dems lost twice with the same rhetoric. Vote Dems or get trump. I thought they learned from the past, but no, just double down.
That’s exactly the voter attitude, that gets the broken 2 party system. Politicians know this kind of thinking and use it to their advantage.
Have U evEr thoUHgt being RiCh.
Channel your anger out towards the right people that deserve it, can be a relief. Hating yourself can be destructive. You are not the problem, most of the time is just shitty society running blind.
But why learn all that? Nano user here.
Still using my Oneplus 6 from 2018. Lineage OS still getting updates.
The original series Quantum Leap used the R-word referring to people with mental difficulties not as an insult. I understand today times have changed and used as a slur. Still used in medication today, meaning slow release tablets.
You like warmongers NATO?
I think I get it, so social science is like theoretical physics?
Actually no, gravity is the behaviour we see due to warped space/time, caused by the earth’s mass. Just like it causes light to bend.
It is flat, you just don’t see it. Gravity curves space/time into a globe.
Just don’t.
Translation: Stop talking about racism you are making me feel bad.
Sorry, I meant they will just hire some else than deal with anyone saying they have an NDA.
Funny but, just bad advice. Employers will just with someone who has no NDA.
Thanks. If I understood that correctly doesn’t sound like AI to me.