Curious what circumstances “forced” them to accept you. My parents have turned me out pretty quickly after coming out to them as trans (and gay since I was already married to a woman)
Curious what circumstances “forced” them to accept you. My parents have turned me out pretty quickly after coming out to them as trans (and gay since I was already married to a woman)
I don’t know your situation, but I’m glad I came out even though my parents and others rejected me for it. A lot of things in my life are worse because of their rejection, but my life as a whole is better just for living as myself.
I don’t know what they say because I’m the one they’re probably saying it about
The implication being they never bought premium because this seemed inevitable.
I mean, kinda, yeah. But that’s okay: Most books are slop, too. 90% of everything is slop.
All the guy you replied to said was that the bulge on the back of the plate from each of those rounds forms fast and hard enough that you’d feel it. Top comment of this chain was a different account.
I would just like to note that they were shooting at 2 separate plates here, and only shot each plate once with the grade of ammo at which they were rated. The first plate they did shoot with 5 smaller rounds after they hit it with the larger one, but they didn’t shoot both of those larger rounds at the same plate.
Thanks for the insight, dragonfucker
The movie is 2 hours, but sometimes the events are much longer.
Then the lawyer asks permission before going anywhere. But if a witness or juror is hard of hearing, they’ll have aids/accomodations provided.
Then why don’t the continents ever turn out from under them?
The farther beyond the arctic/antarctic circle you go, the longer the period of continuous night and day. Just above the circle it’s like one day where the sun is up at midnight, barely. At the pole, it’s quite a while.
And notably, plates that do stop bullets often still only work once.
or if we would have a bunch of mouth-breathers demanding their right to spend too much for land tainted with industrial wastes.
Good news! America has plenty of land and water ruined by industrial and agricultural waste that it hasn’t protected. (Also lots that it has, but)
One such case was a lake that suddenly formed in a desert when an irrigation canal overflowed. It has since been fed primarily by runoff from industrial agriculture. It became a resort and tourist destination for a time, until all the birds and fish started dying and rotting on the beaches. We just let it sit there for another fifty years until farming techniques improved to where it was being fed much less, and it started drying out and causing big toxic dust storms. In the last six years or so, more than a hundred years after it formed, there’s a local Indian tribe trying to get a new canal to rehabilitate the wetlands with river water (rather than just more runoff).
It’s called the Salton Sea
Yeah, but I can use my eye to look through the telescopes!
Alt-tabbing back and forth, chrome’s combined tabs, address, and bookmarks bar is larger than Firefox 's…?
I have some telehealth services I need to use occasionally that don’t support Firefox, but that’s pretty much it. And I guess Google meet is glitchy, but that I can deal with.
do social media (a little),
Don’t worry, we all do social media at least a little. We’re here, aren’t we?
It just looks like the snuffleupagus had diarrhea around the place…
How many people got shot at school shootings, though?