Doesn’t matter if it isn’t your fault. Your admin needs to fix it.
Doesn’t matter if it isn’t your fault. Your admin needs to fix it.
Peak efficiency.
Here you go.
The argument is not about what is but what should be.
I posted this in a different post, but why should I pay taxes if I have no representation?
Single issue voters got us to where we are today, and I genuinely think they do more harm than the cult itself.
You can thank Intuit, the company behind TurboTax, for making taxes as difficult as possible. They spend a lot of money lobbying to make filing taxes more difficult.
Which is why nobody cares about GOP opinions and why most of the world thinks you are retarded. Like it or not, you live with people different from you, and you need to learn to play nice and compromise. I’m not saying to give up your morals completely, but meet in the middle and come up with something that works for both of you.
Which, let’s be clear, is not an inherently bad thing. Most sane people don’t want to reinvent the wheel. If you have a foundation that works and can easily be built off of in a reusable way the. You ultimately end up saving a lot of time and money.
Now, going back to your dig, it is true that Amazon has too many similar services, a lot of which could have just been an offering under an existing service. If you offer a certification just for memorizing what all of your services do then you may have gone too far.
What is the opposite of “don’t dead open inside”? This works both ways.
Inaction makes you complicit. Not voting does not give you any moral high ground, especially when one of the people being voted for is a fascist. These people would rather let fascism run free and wait for a golden unicorn instead of making slow and steady progress with imperfect candidates.
Please. It is a half eaten crayon.
I would never accept food this thing has touched.
You aren’t wrong that telecom companies are trashy, but being a dick to a support agent isn’t the right way to go. Support staff are more willing to help and work with you if you aren’t yelling at them right out the gate and blaming them for something they have no control over.
I think about this way more than I’m happy to admit.
The non joke answer is that the document attempts to prove who you say you are. The joke answer is that this is an attempt and is public info that anyone can use.
Delicious and some of the most tedious foods to make.
The secret ingredient is chicken fat.
You know what else kills a human? Forcing them to give birth even if they are not healthy enough to do so.
If you are going to make talking points at least be cohesive.
Better than writing beginner level crap that is at the same time super cryptic and not documenting at all. We have a bunch of that in our codebase and it makes me wonder why these devs are writing extension methods for functionality already built into the standard libraries.
Better than writing beginner level crap that is at the same time super cryptic and not documenting at all. We have a bunch of that in our codebase and it makes me wonder why these devs are writing extension methods for functionality already built into the standard libraries.
Many of us didn’t. In fact, many people didn’t vote for anybody, and that was a major part of the problem. These people, usually single issue voters, thought they had the moral high ground by not voting between bad and worst.
Trump received the same number of votes as last election, but Harris received significantly less than Biden did last election. Harris wasn’t good enough for a lot of Democrats, and they thought not voting and letting Trump win was better than tossing their morals aside on a single issue.