A bad influence I see. But in all seriousness that’s awesome. I liked arch a lot when I was using it.
Every time you boot up there would be a brand new file system you’d have to learn until bricked your device.
I need you to know you are not wrong. But also a part of me wants to live one foot off the merry go round. EVEN THOUGH I absolutely know I shouldn’t.
nixOS links cool I just struggle wrapping my head around having everything in a single config or however they do it
Buying something that has the modicum luxury, like a nice car, designer purse, iphone, or steak at the grocery store.
These guys are awesome. Thank you so much.
I’ll have to check them both out.
Awesome thanks!
l’m always interested to learn what music people like to listen to.
I think that it’s kind of beautiful that entire genre of video games were created by trying to answer the question “What do I do when Ryu throws a fireball at my character”
Like what you like! l’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum. You like Systemd cool. You prefer something like Runit cool. You don’t care one way or the other, that’s fine. Run what you want … BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO
I actually wanted to make a systemd meme that wasn’t a part of the flame war at all, so this meme isn’t taking a stance, just here for your amusement.
I managed to ruin Debian stable my first go in 2015. Don’t ask how. I still don’t know