Who has visited the country many times after his so called exodus.
Who has visited the country many times after his so called exodus.
Yeah, I’m kinda tired of seeing content like that even if I agree with main sentiment. Low quality political content is low quality even if it’s about polices I support, being separation of church and state.
Not disagreeing, image is just kinda dumb
Bro people just gonna walk around that wall.
Very annoying when using a speaker with its own volume. Because of course I want to have phone loud for optimal signal, and set the volume at the end of the chain instead of amplifying weak signal.
Not really, that explains it
I check like 5 outta that list and it ain’t exactly giving results thr graph might suggest. Totally understandable tho.
Yes and if these dense mofos would let me take a while longer, everything would work better and company would literally make more money. But nobody really cares, it’s all just about takin part in this weird social fiction that exists to pander someones ego.
Only places you are allowed to go to toilet on your trip challenge.
On surface I’m type of ADHD who always picks a new hobby and forgets old one. However, I have somehow managed to do it in a way that it always goes full circle and I come back to that first thing.
It has been slow, but after enough time I’m suddenly rather good at several things.
If I feel passion towards something, I just go with it if possible. Only exception if doing something non productive goes on too long, like months spent just gaming, then I need to do sometimes about it.
Usually that’s not the case cause I get bored.
I’m using this one. https://github.com/Helium314/HeliBoard Once I downloaded dictionary for my native language+ English that came preinstalled, and granted permission to learn from my typing, it’s pretty good.
Not as good as swift key, but enough for my needs. I don’t use swipe typing but someone I know said it is alright.
Good moment to plug this open source alternative https://github.com/Helium314/HeliBoard First usable one imo
Not for long with the GoonMaxxer T-1000, the ultimate AI regulated motorized jerk off solutions to increase your gooning productivity!
All of the possible combinations taste kinda same tbh