The Flatpak version comes with Quakespasm engine, so you won’t need to worry about the source port.
The Flatpak version comes with Quakespasm engine, so you won’t need to worry about the source port.
Here’s an easier option: Syncthing
Nope, sonce your Keepass database is store locally, all you need is Syncthing, you won’t beleive how easy it is to use.
KepassXC for PC and KeepassDX for Android phones.
I personally would recommend it over Bitwarden since with Bitwarden you NEED internet to access your passwords, and even if is open source, i canmot trust it, security breaches can happen in any time, having your vault locally stored helps a lot.
There are more but i can’t Remember them right now.
I would personally recommend KeepassXC foe PC and KeepassDX for Android phones, just having your Vault available locally is a lot better than relying on a server that can get a security breach in any moment, not to mention the Keepass’s Vaults are encrypted and no one can access them without the , key or physical key, with KeepassXC and KeepassDX, you only will need ONE password 😁
Just Remember, Krita Is For Digital Painting, Not For Photo Manipulation.
The guy found out the error happened becausw e got the app from Google App Store