I wouldn’t give them that much credit - sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and this dildo wants to ban dildoes. Because “chirren”.
I wouldn’t give them that much credit - sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and this dildo wants to ban dildoes. Because “chirren”.
Here’s another by someone completely different that fits the theme too!
No, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, and a bunch of others in the administration championed it. Biden et al supported it. Subtle.
And about 13 guns per person, although admittedly the people are scattered far and wide
Gender-affirmimg truck surgery
Yeah, I mistyped. But that would work too lol!
I had this same problem trying to remember the name of Revel Rouser by Duane Eddy last weekend. Another instrumental. Tried explaining instruments, style, and did the vocalization thing like in the post (there’s a name for it, but can’t remember: anomonopea?) 5 rounds of refinement led to a bunch of cool wrong answers. Ddg found a site that I could hum the tune to, but it returned an “API Fail” error. A brief search to find song-identifying resources sent me to Google voice search, and although it was only a 19% match, (probably my lousy pitch) I was finally able to get rid of that nagging brain worm.
Not the Kennedy Jr. kind…
Jesus tap-dancing Roosevelt christ on a unicycle. This is an individual who has a pretty good shot at being the leader of the most powerful armed forces of the world, and (I believe) the largest economy. What the everloving gobstopping fuck.
Yeah, but then we get Vance, who is worse.
That old white lady was the actress who played June Cleaver of “Leave It To Beaver” - a 50s(?) b&w white-bread conservative-family-values-americana TV show
That was the biggest part of the gag.
Zaphod, not Slartibartfast.
Kinda shitty that the sperms donor is out of jail but the mom isn’t. But that’s the south I guess; keep punishing those women for having the sex!
(they both belong in jail, until/unless it comes out in trial that one of them, like the one with a history of battery, was making the other do this against their will)
Oh, shit, I’m still here… Can I have my wallet and dog back please?!?
Great Scott! I was so busy packing, I forgot about the dog! Quick! What are your rates! Nevermind - here’s my bank info - I won’t need money anymore!!
Oh, shit! Who will water my plants?!
Well, broken clocks and all…
AFAIK, the Samsung BEC-H series commercial monitors don’t have the “smart” features (at least enabled, probably still exist under the hood somewhere).
My dad, after a discussion in my young adult years turned political: “if you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you don’t have a heart. If you’re not conservative when you’re an adult, you don’t have a brain.”
Well, dad, I have made it to adulthood with brilliant children and great relationships with them to boot. I’m still a screaming liberal and you’re still a racist that is gargling the balls of a wannabe dictator.
Yeah, I remember it as hooters too