Good one.
Good one.
Same in the UK :-(
Birds, long known for good vision and patriotism
See what you mean: the Yamaha Revstar doesn’t have Yamaha on the headstock, but does have the tuning forks.
But other Yamahas don’t have the tuning forks but do say Yamaha. Eg.
I think there was a period, pre Revstar, when motorbikes had the tuning forks but none of the Yamaha guitars did.
Yamaha makes lots of other musical instruments too.
The thing that puzzles me is that the Yamaha logo, 3 tuning forks, makes sense for instruments that you tune. But I’ve only seen it on their motorbikes.
I encountered something like this at work. It wasn’t pass related, it was just a means of getting people to make text responses. Ampersands were replaced with some gibberish format, which annoyed everyone.
I got some kind of explanation from our tech people, which I understood to mean that ampersand was used to indicate that what followed was live code. Turning the ampersand into gibberish text was a safety measure to stop mischief.
I’ve noticed ampersand replacements in some news feeds too
Yes, that’s true. Keychain Access helps a lot.
My understanding is that your GF will be using Apple’s KeyChain, which is pretty good except that it’s hard to look inside and manually edit. It’s not just in Safari.
The upcoming Password app is just a nice user interface to KeyChain. So no change to the functionality as such, but I think it’ll make a big difference to how it’s used.
…same feeling about Shottr for the Mac. It has much nicer editing features than the standard Mac system and you can add extra screenshots or files.
That’s an answer to a different question. Mine was: are there any improvements in public health?
The Human Resources team.
Yes. I find it surprising.
It’s also good that there is analysis of the effect of the charge.
I would like to know if the UK tax on sugared drinks has any beneficial effect. I believe that sales (and manufacture) have reduced but that’s pretty irrelevant—eg, has it improved obesity or dental health?
My student accommodation had cockchafers. The university didn’t believe us until one of my friends presented them with one in a matchbox.
This all probably sounds nuts, but here are my oil systems:
I wash out and recycle glass jars, but peanut butter jars are difficult to clean and will end up getting fat into the water system. So I keep the peanut butter jars for oil.
I also keep a bendy, steel decorating pallet in the kitchen for scraping out fat from the grill tray and rack. You’re left with some fat that you can wipe off with kitchen paper, which you can also use to wipe the pallet knife. Then washing up liquid and a splash of boiling water from the kettle.
There can be quite a lot of oil in leftover food, like sauces, too. I use a silicone spatula to scoop it off before washing.
Yes, but not just your own pipes:
Thank you. I think the decades-old chemistry-class flashback distracted me from thoroughly absorbing the full post!
Thank you (4 now added!)
They told me at school that ‘p’ meant ‘negative log’. So ‘pH’ means ‘the negative log of the concentration of Hydrogen ions in moles/litre’.
pH 1 is 1 x 10-1 (strong acid)
pH 7 is 1 x 10-7 (neutral)
pH 14 is 1 x 10-14 (alkaline)
(Chemistry was a long time ago, though)
…I had to think about that one!
Another one common one: