Yeah, is regularly taking about 5mins to load a page. It does get there though.
What’s about?
Yeah, is regularly taking about 5mins to load a page. It does get there though.
What’s about?
Here’s the Internet archive capture of the page originally.
Doing this off the top of my head too but I think it’s
The string section are scavengers, they’ll wait for a poorly aimed honkwitch to land amongst them, then descend as a pack.
The spoils are divided up hierarchically, first violin always eats first.
They’re talking about pulling it open as in the pic, which makes it get cold, let’s all the goodness fall out and ruins the dippiness imo.
But you do you, I’m not your abuella.
It’s a birria taco but your point still stands.
The current version of Peggle is utterly unplayable, monetised trash.
However, I recently dug out a first gen iPod touch that hasn’t been connected to the internet in ~15 years, it’s got 1 game on it, og Peggle.
It’s gained a new lease of life as a standalone peggle console and I love it.
Given that monitors tend to be wider than they are high, can’t see how this is a win tbh. Unless you’re going vertical monitor, then it’s the same real estate right?
E: words E2: I reread, if you can find that add-on I’d love to know what it is.
I will look at this but I never have more than 4 tabs open so…
Yeah, I didn’t really think you had that many tabs open in one window. But it was funny to think someone might have done that. Think how small they’d be!
Each tab must have been one micron wide, how did you even expect to be able to click on a specific one in the future with that many open - wait, I think I’ve answered my own question.
I can highly recommend their cookbook if you’re into cooking. Their chicken ruby is probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever put in my face.
They call it chicken ruby but it’s basically a butter chicken/tikka masala.
You have a park bench. I have a yeet seat.
We are not the same
The smoked salmon is good too, but it’s more of a normal sandwich. The salt beef is a bit more obscene, like you need a lie down after.
Awesome! I forgot to mention there’s a Dishoom round the corner from all the Brick Lane stuff, it’s all based on Bombay style food. They’re open for breakfast too, can highly recommend the breakfast keema, best cure for a hangover I’ve ever found.
Also, if you’re interested in the whole salt beef sandwich thing, The Brass Rail at Selfridges is a fucking institution. Pro tip: if you see a queue but there’s a few people hanging back, it means they’re just about to bring out a fresh load of brisket. Hold off until those folks swoop in.
Edit: actually you know what, have some more recommendations.
Literally any Hawksmoor, there are a few in London, they’re always in art deco spaces, but in unusual places - Air Street is in the arches over some of the biggest shops in London, just off Piccadilly circus. If you want to know what a proper roast looks like, go here. Beef cooked over charcoal, charged by weight.
The Quality Chop House - this is an old favourite. Chop houses used to be all over London, they were a kind of after work eatery for your average businessman. Drop in after work, hang your hat by the door, have a beer and a chop, at some point later remember you have family, stagger home etc. As far as I know, this is the only chop house that still exists that has the original Victorian setup - very, very narrow benches and extremely thin tables (eat up, then fuck off!), and the folks who took it on have maintained the tradition of cooking their chops over coals. I mention this specifically because they have “mince on toast” on the menu which is what the OOP is shitting on. It’s a very traditional dinner and this would be the best place to try it outside of home cooking. Also, their confit potatoes are incredible. Small plates, expect to share, if you’re going there at the weekend it will be empty because nobody actually lives in Farringdon. They also do pretty decent set menus on weekdays and there is a roast on Sundays!
I don’t know Southampton very well but I see there is a “The Pig…” there. I’ve been to one elsewhere and it was really good.
In terms of London, I’d say don’t limit yourself to the south, you’re never really more than 45 mins away from anywhere really. Brick Lane is a fun area, it’s kind of hipstery/street food/vintage clothing-y but also has two of my favourite places.
SMOKESTAK - one of the best things to actually survive the barbecue revolution a few years ago. Everything is smoked on premises, no take out.
Beigel Shop. This is one of (if not the) oldest bagel joints in London. It’s open 24/7, take out only, they only do three things (lox, chicken & salt beef). Have the salt beef with pickles and mustard, expect to queue, thank me later.
E. Thought Beigel was older, it’s only from the 70s. E2. Found it, it was next door. It’s from 1855, link updated
Or you really like studying worms. But that would be whataboutism wouldn’t it?
So, you’re in favour after Thatcher then? Because you make it sound like a direct competition.
Yeah? Well this is razzle dazzle camo I think we all know who’ll be seen last.
You’re cold to the touch.
Eat it, see what happens.