That guy is full of it.
All so that none of their tenants can afford any of those four things without constantly struggling!
When they react well, it becomes the new truth, because they liked the lie. He doesn’t ever remember that it was a lie, because he doesn’t think.
My buddies and I used to have board game nights. When we inevitably ended up ordering food, people would start pitching in the money just so they didn’t have to call. (As in yes, the guy who made the call got to eat for free.)
That’s fine. Every poor conservative is a robber baron who just hasn’t made it big yet anyway.
All I’ve ever wanted is to be left alone to live a small and humble life.
Well you’re in the UK now, so you’re finding out how they interpret our weird trends. I’d love seeing that kind of stuff. Not necessarily tasting it maybe.
But I have made a pumpkin soup before. With some warm spices and not much sweetness, it could be really good.
Think of it as a mask. All your life you’ve had it on because you were taught to believe it. It’s how society functions, right?
Now you realize you could take it off, but it’s very hard to. What kind of world is it then? We will find out, of course.
There’s a Jules Pfeiffer (rip) play/movie called Little Murders that kind of deals with this. Be forewarned, it’s a very bleak and dark comedy.
It’s hard to shift from a mindset of following the law to realizing the laws no longer matter.
If they’re going to be used as a weapon, why would we ever comply?
Until you know what was eaten, try to stop beating yourself up.
Dogs eat things. It’s in their nature. If they eat a sock and it blocks them up, that’s bad. But keeping all socks from them is tough. And they like to eat weird things.
Your job is to give them a good life and to try to keep them safe. You can’t demand perfection from yourself, and if your dog could understand, they wouldn’t blame you.
Finally, if you made a mistake, you can use this as a learning experience and do better in the future a bit. The alternative is closing yourself off to love out of fear.
I did this. One of my cats got out on New Years and was hit by a car.
Im the one who lets the dogs out, and he often snuck out when the dogs go out. I didn’t notice.
I will always have to live with that.
But I’m reveling in the love I get from my other pets, not pushing them away.
I was in a coffee shop a few years ago and a guy in line was wearing an O.G.R.E. shirt, a way old computer game from 1986.
I said “Nice shirt! Never played that game, though.”
Completely delighted, he ranted about his love for the game until my order was ready. And it was a bit hard to get away from him afterward.
This is definitely someone who could’ve fallen into that category.
But I don’t see it that way because I’m also neurodivergent and know people never engage with us like that. Might have made his day.
Just a little story from that borderline in the Venn diagram.
Note: Not Musk.
The recipients signed off on the sale.
You do have a point there. What I was predicting was that the targets would quickly become “anyone we don’t like” and then the trolley comes for us all.
And there I agree with you. It’s the trolley problem framing that is so infuriating.
As soon as people decide they can move the trolley with a bullet, a whole lot of people are gonna die. And the trolley will continue on unabated, because bullets don’t do that.
Thank you for actually having a point that relates to the trolley problem.
Killing an executive does not change this. It’s asinine to think that it does and celebrate murder.
If you are looking at this as a philosophical victory, you do not know a fucking thing about the ‘trolley problems’. Or philosophy.
I 100% get the anger at insurance companies. This is a fucking stupid take.
Let’s be realistic, her manager didn’t have the authority to pay her if she couldn’t make it in and she needed the money.
As fucked as it is, they may have actually been helping to the best of their ability. The ‘manager’ may make $1.50 more per hour.