Yeah, personally I think the copyleft the GPL grants is really powerful and it’s the only license that gets used in my projects. Thanks for that link, those licenses always rubbed me the wrong way.
Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I’m here for memes and art.
Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.
Yeah, personally I think the copyleft the GPL grants is really powerful and it’s the only license that gets used in my projects. Thanks for that link, those licenses always rubbed me the wrong way.
Nope, I’m really used to GIMPs workflow and would actually prefer if they didn’t change it. I don’t want to learn a whole new program for no benefit. If you really care go use Krita.
Install GIMP, Krita, or Inkscape instead
Is it really contrarian to like the FSF these days? I mean people seem to hate Stallman too but both are pretty important in the history and continuing existence of free software.
The four essential freedoms are in my view as important as the FSF says, and any license that doesn’t meet all four will be met with skepticism from me absolutely.
Also, the GPL is a real, legal license, and even if there’s a silly clause that causes it to be incompatible, that’s still a legal liability - of course they have to take it seriously.
100%, and it doesn’t seem to lay out a legal definition of “good” so it’s actually worse than useless - it’s ambiguous.
I agree. What I’m trying to point out is that we’re dealing with incredible amounts of Hitler particles with these people and we’re past the point of reason.
Liberals are right wing. They’re comparatively further left than conservatives but both ideologies favour capitalism as the economic system which is inherently on the right – in opposition to a more controlled market.
deleted by creator
Not a fan of the smug liberal aura this post has.
If you think the internet only has squeaky clean porn I have some news…
I support this but this is a lot of vitriol at the wrong crowd. Don’t create divisions like this, that’s how they keep us distracted.
Love to the poster, I don’t agree with these views, but this argument would fall completely flat because they think disabled people should just die if they’re “too weak”. If you can just don’t go to these places because they’re run by delusional people at best and Nazis at worst.
I would literally pretend I had absolutely no clue who he was or any familiarity with any of his “achievements” or why they’re “important”. It would be pretty funny to see him try to respond to that.
For the record PrEP exists and it is pretty effective in preventing getting HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). Yet another reason the OP is dumb. Also, HIV can be prevented from turning into AIDS now, too.
And yet the groups survive anyway. So does it really matter?
And the chocolate chip? Animals having empathy is the most logical conclusion if the experiment went as described here.
Yes, they do. And Christian types often believe that we have “souls” and animals do not.
Most people don’t have that experience. I’m AuDHD and I really like weed, personally. But I found it demotivated me, so I decided to quit it, and I cold turkey put it down about a month ago. When I start working again, I’ll probably start smoking again because it helps with the day-to-day stressors that cause me an undue amount of, well, chronic anxiety.
You know what really messed me up? Vyvanse. I got some really intense anxiety, even after being on it for a few months. Decided it wasn’t for me.
The justice system unironically doesn’t want people to know of jury nullification because it means that people can work outside what’s written in the law.
You could try enabling systemd-oomd. It’s a userspace OOM killer and seems to be aggressive enough to mostly stop that from happening.