Millions billions
Millions billions
Do we have a phrase for this yet? Like, we have “bit the onion”, so would this be “planted the bulb”?
Your comparison is more accurate than mine, but when I first saw that top-left image I immediately thought of Kiddy Kong with that stupid smile.
Incoming executive order to rename it “Enola Happy (of America)”
Republicans LOVE drinking poop. Pass it on.
I know your comment didn’t necessarily appear out of nowhere, but it reminds me of that subreddit “skamtebord”
I miss that one sometimes…
I’m so glad someone else remembers that! It’s always my follow up when hearing the Velma line.
Loved watching Johnny Bravo as a kid
I’m sure it was your autocorrect, but for anyone who doesn’t know it, the term is “scrip” :)
Wait, I should type :( because it’s a very depressing concept.
Weirdly, my password was rejected because someone else used “hunter” as theirs, so I had to add a damn 2 to it, smh
Reminds me of that time (as if it was only once) a depressing amount of people, mostly conservatives, didn’t know that the ACA and “Obamacare” mean the same thing.
Conservative politics depend heavily on placing labels on everything because it’s a built-in way of telling the rubes what they should think and feel.
Warning: description of “light” body horror
Have you seen the drawing (thankfully) of the thin strip of skin above the fingernail being peeled all the way back to the knuckle?
That image ruined me the first time I found it.
I wanted to post the “everyone disliked that” meme but I’m clearly in the minority. Perhaps even more so as I love both black and green olives on my pizza 😋
To each their own! If anyone else likes olives I’ll be over here enjoying my abomination alone.
I’d be fine if they brought back old-fashioned duels. Besides, boxing requires a level of athleticism. I don’t really know what altman looks like (and I couldn’t give less of a shit) but musk is a disgusting, pale cold ham. Seen those boat photos? 🤮
My absolute favorite part is the near-unanimous expression of misery from all those commenting. We’ve all had a truly wretched encounter today
Come on now, he’s only a little blue.
Pro tip (or maybe it’s common knowledge idk): place it handle-down so the bristles don’t get messed up over time from just sitting there.
Maybe if you didn’t get baked all the time…
I don’t think I could find it, but there’s a different, older version of this meme with the same pic. The punchline is indeed the first part of this one, but it was done in a much more subtle way and didn’t ruin the joke by spelling it out with “murder instead of suicide.”
Shame on whoever stole the joke and then not only told it badly, but ended it with necrophilia.
I was gonna diagnose you with Vinny Derangement Syndrome, but either you’re exactly right, or I have it too
Sad to see that name here, but they’re nothing like they were in the Group B days. At least my ultimate dream car will never have ads, even if I’ll never be able to afford the car itself 🥲