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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • PowerCrazy@lemmy.mltoComics@lemmy.mlAnd here's your gun
    10 days ago

    In America voter fraud is a myth. Gerrymandering and buying the blue and red candidates that will do what you want is much cheaper, easier, and perfectly legal. We do have to register to vote, but beyond that there is no other requirement for voting.

    The push for voter ID is more for disenfranchisement under the guise of fraud prevention.

  • PowerCrazy@lemmy.mltoComics@lemmy.mlAnd here's your gun
    10 days ago

    What’s up with people expecting the government to issue a licenses for explicit constitutional rights?

    Oy! Where’s your permit to peaceably assemble?
    Hope you gotta a loisence for that news paper!
    Let’s see some ID before you vote.
    Oh you don’t want your home to be a barracks? Hope you paid the appropriate fees and filled out the forms.

    Pure liberalism.

  • I feel like the next time a democracy wants to protect itself from fascism, that the “constitutional” document should dictate what members of the government can and can’t do. And that the punishment for advocating for fascist policies is dismissal from the government forever.

    If we took America’s Bill of Rights for example, advocating for laws that are on the surface against one of the amendments should result in that representative being removed from office. If Congress passes a law (not an amendment, but a law) then when that law is declared unconstitutional, they should all be dismissed with prejudice.

    The right to privacy should be enshrined and people like her should be removed from office and never given a platform again.

  • I wish we still lived in those times. It’s really unfortunate the reality we find ourselves in vis a vis school shootings and other gun violence.

    Nothing has changed as far as the weapons available, however society is much worse off then it was 25 years ago. And I’m not talking about the good old days of overt racism. I’m talking about material conditions, wealth inequality, employment opportunities, and just general dissolution of “polite society.” Violence is a symptom of this degradation and going fascist with regards to the State monopoly on violence is going to make things much worse for everyone who doesn’t already live in the guilded parallel society (like CEO’s, the rich, and their pocket politicians.)

  • It’s extremely boring and mundane as such things should be, but it here it goes. We had skeet shooting as an extra curricular. At the beginning of the semester you’d buy some boxes of shells and store them in your locker along with your shotgun. A box of shells would last about 3 sessions. If you ran out of shells but hadn’t brought more ammo you’d have the option to go use the vending machine instead of having to leave the grounds to buy more and probably miss practice or the competition. So it was just a convenience having it there. Of course if you had some friends you could borrow their shells.