Because Bruce banner is the hulk and always has those ripped pants. Bruce Banner is the human that turns into the Hulk.
Because Bruce banner is the hulk and always has those ripped pants. Bruce Banner is the human that turns into the Hulk.
In fairness they probably find the politics subs equally as divisive.
I stick clear of politics on Lemmy all together unless I really can’t hold my tongue
Communist != Tankie.
Communism is explicitly an economic framework. “Tankie” defines authoritarians who believe in the Communist economic framework. That leaves a lot of room for all other sorts of Communists.
Hex-bear is the reason I’m on That’s why I think people are overblowing the .ML drama.
You want to see tankies? Look at Hexbear
So then why not just block those subs?
I haven’t found to be all that objectionable. It’s not like they are hexbear.
Depends on the type of pill. Something easily desolvable like melatonin will dissolve in my throat of I don’t take it with water.
Now that’s a bitter taste that comes back up
Liberal means "not conservative’ because our Overton window is fucked six ways to Sunday.
Thats why Biden stepping down is so important right now. They need to get guys like this poster to vote D this time. Any generic dem with a pulse will do that.
Its the partys fault if they cant get an easy vote, not the voter’s
That’s not called a protest vote. That’s just called a vote.
Forget a perfect candidate. Just go back and watch the 2012 debate and both Obama and Mitt Romney were infinitely better than Joe Biden or Trump.
Clearly this is a far-right conspiracy and they have all taken over the media.
Of course, we have higher standards. That’s what separates us from them.
That is not all where the discussion is right now. The discussion is whether Biden is the best person we have. We still can put someone else forth and now it’s the time to do it.
Tankies? CNN, MSNBC, and NYTimes are all concerned.
People on this website are understandably losing their minds because we’ve let this type of politics fester so much that the stakes are genuinely high this election cycle. But the stakes are only so high because we keep attempting the same thing over and over again. At this point, I’m not even advocating for a third party. I just want Democrats to do better instead of being less crappy than the other guys.
Unfortunately, I think it’s exactly the opposite. They don’t have to do anything that people want to vote for them anyway.
Well, one of the alternatives is what ID Software used to do, where they would sell the game for a period of time and then open source the code Once sales dropped off.
Super Tux Kart is actually great. Open Arena is just Quake 3 with original art. IMO Open Arena is criminally underrated
I hate to be that guy, but it is literally already too late to reverse climate change, largely due to the attitude of people like you.
Turns out incremental change is worthless when you are on a time limit.