fight or flight activated
fight or flight activated
what world event is exclusive to tiktok?
lower quality but not cut short
yo are you ok?
I’ve always been full stack and feel like I’d be bored just focusing on one area. am I deluding myself?
oh noooo icons sharing a common design language and color scheme? the absolute horror.
if you can’t tell the difference between these icons i have a great educational resource for you
well shit call me a white girl then
I’m still waiting for webassembly to take off
lol literally. like yes… that’s the point of being rich. unless you have literal scrouge mcduck fantasies of diving into an ocean of momey
I agree with the sentiment but that is aggravatingly fake
I too took middle school health class
ooh buddy you’re in for a treat
For the other two sure, but buyers should have known better by the time the cybertruck came out. I have no qualms judging a cybertruck driver