Did it awaken something in you?
Did it awaken something in you?
A better time. A simpler time. Still played No Mercy quite a bit, but my first love is WCW/NWO Revenge.
Sorry, I was taking a shit that day.
Non-American is about as vauge as it gets. Many, many countries outside the good ol’ u s of a have motor vehicles.
Look man, if people are out here dropping n bombs, you know, serious stuff, feel free to intervene. But trying to police “retard” is some reddit/zoomer nonsense.
What a ridiculous statement. Haha. What community did I stumble into?
First, they came for the dildos, and I did nothing.
Not that I care about or even like these guys, but just playing devils advocate (mostly because very few people here do) but witnesses, accusations, court trials, and investigations by law is just due process. Also, with an outright admission, we’ve gone past the point of a mere accusation (credible or otherwise). I suppose a settlement is the only one I would attach to credible. Most people aren’t going to pay up unless they’re guilty.
What is the criteria for “credibly accused”? Accused is easy enough. One simply must make an accusation against you. But what criteria is used to elevate that credible?
I have no idea what you mean. No clue what this perfection is you speak of. I made a pretty bland comment. Don’t look for depth.
He would not see Luigi as a hero. He would see him as a necessary evil. Much like himself. Huge difference.
It’s one thing for this to happen, shrug, and not give a shit. It’s another to glorify this guy.
It happened. I’m not upset about it. But this Luigi cat isn’t my hero.
Good call. If you have to vomit, you’re already in the appropriate room.
Stop letting that man live rent free in your head.
If you guys keep thinking you’ve won every debate, always have the correct opinion on everything, and don’t prove it because you think you don’t have to defend any position because all you do is demonize your opponent, that’s how you lose elections to orange reality TV stars.
Keep up the smugness. Enjoy republican rule.
Ya got me.
It’s sad most people don’t believe this. Team blue isn’t your friend. As you said, every once in a great while they might do something that’s in your best interest. But it’s more likely it’s in their best interest and coincidentally also in your interest.