Happens to me only when I use my VPN.
Happens to me only when I use my VPN.
That proves it!
It makes it easier to train new models if we tag the training data. Wouldn’t want to poison the models by taking on AI-generated slop.
And don’t even get me started on urinals.
I used one of those Dyson airblades at the airport once. The damn thing started blowing air mid-stream and I got pee all over!
EULA for what service?
Or do cars come with EULAs nowadays?
Is Tesla boomer slang for any EV?
Like how my mother bought one of them Nokia iPhones?
And not in a good way
Daisy Ridley. You’ve seen her in star wars.
Akshually, skateboarding was invented by a certain Marty McFly in 1955.
I’ve heard of it in an old 60 minutes segment, but seems this commenter knows the technical details.
Veritasium had an episode on even more haunting exploits in the phone networks a couple of weeks back. Always prefer 2FA apps over SMS.
The can spoof any number. They usually go with something local (to you) to increase the odds of you picking up.
Calling back will get you Bob on the other side of town who has no idea what missed call you’re talking about.
Huh, this vegan dog shampoo has not been tested on animals.
I feel like that’s the one product they should test on animals so that my dog doesn’t have to be the guinea pig.
I usually don’t use one for browsing, and not for privacy reasons.
I have a wireguard hub-and-spoke configuration with my VPS as hub to