It’s almost certainly ai. Ai image models usually contain nudity but that’s as taboo as it gets, they never have stuff like feces, vomit or gore in there. It looks like the ai substituted a grain or powder when asked to make vomit.
It’s almost certainly ai. Ai image models usually contain nudity but that’s as taboo as it gets, they never have stuff like feces, vomit or gore in there. It looks like the ai substituted a grain or powder when asked to make vomit.
Duuude Biden is OOOOOLLLLDDD. Old people can’t be president. I’m sure I’ll eventually be living in a cardboard box if Biden loses but he’s just so OOOOOOOOLLLLLDDDD and we can’t have that!!!11!!!1!!1!1 /s
Why do tight pants still not have flavoring for your anus tastebuds to taste? Clothing companies are leaving money on the table smh
You could try the redneck thing. That’s where you gut all the circuitry, make it so there’s exposed wires everywhere and every time you want to use it, touch whichever wires together. If you get it wrong it catches on fire but at least there’s no longer a username and password.
wtf. My last office job had 2 of these, I never thought about it before. I don’t recall ever seeing anyone use them but some corporate maintenence guy would come inspect them twice a year.
It’s just not solid metal. These things are overpriced pieces of shit. I know because I used to have one. Anytime there’s a “chip shortage” these things are always marked up to be 2x as expensive too.
I think in this day and age the best way to waste counter space is to use newspaper and dirty dishes like our great grandparents used to do.
I bought one of these when they first came out and they’re a piece of shit. It stopped working just a little bit after the warranty expired.
Uhm ACKTCHUALLY dna and plant genes are a liberal HOAX Earth is flat and it’s only 2024 years old and God created everything in 7 days because the bible says so /s
Fuck those nasty apples that taste like plastic half the time and have a fluffy texture
Employers aren’t required to pay ai even minimum wage though. I think the fact that ai is shitty isn’t going to be enough to save jobs.
Common folk will likely never have access to a magic bacteria that prevents you from getting fat with zero effort
Look at the way the fcc has banned encryption over ham radio networks in the US. No one cares because it’s ham radio and who tf uses that but it is still a working playbook, they just have to make it work on a larger scale. The most viable way is to do something like that. Make it so that only corporations and banks who fork over licensing money are lawfully allowed to have encryption and any average Joe caught using encrypted packets goes to jail.
Never underestimate the burning desire rich people and corrupt politicians have to fuck over everyone else. They always find a way.
FFS. Fucking file system. Kind of like motherfucking website . Fucking file system could be an example of a filesystem that strikes the perfect balance between being not too complicated while being not too shitty.
This is old news. Scientists are already developing Sex 2.
They even had dish soap HD. For when you want to clean your dishes in 1080p.
It should be everyones constitutional right to own tanks and artillery. What if a bad guy with a homebuilt tank comes along?
I use c++ whenever possible because I like classes and objects and having more versatility to make more dynamic programs. I made an entire kernel that way one time because fuck the police.
Prompts like that get you things like a person pooping out wooden logs. Close but not poop. I tried to get a ai image of a gas station bathroom someone destroyed with feces everywhere. I got a bathroom filled with wooden logs.