I upvoted it because of the 1st half: there isn’t any way I would have guessed that service-dogs go get help, & that is important to know.
Thank you for telling us.
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I upvoted it because of the 1st half: there isn’t any way I would have guessed that service-dogs go get help, & that is important to know.
Thank you for telling us.
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I have read that Canadian Geographic magazine ( like National Geographic magazine, but colder ) decided to fire their photo-editor.
It’s a photo-centric magazine.
So, their quality dropped.
& that had consequences…
Since I only read 1 source for the story, I’ve no idea if it tests-out, but that is exactly the problem with hard-to-grow expertise: you don’t know how much worth it is, until you lose it, & then you can’t quickly/easily get it back.
( this story is actually a good example of why people should be tested for roles the’re not even close to working-in:
it’d help one calibrate the difficulty-in-replacing particular people, AND it’d identify if you even can replace them, & if not, get training backups or get bringing-in people, until you’ve got a backup, eh? )
Anyways, until a person has worked-through Betty Edwards’ “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive edition”, & experienced the hemisphere-dominance-shift, themselves, it simply isn’t understandable how meaningful that shift is.
( also, it validates exactly what Hofstadter wrote “Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” about: that each kind-of-knowing is incapable of knowing ANY meaning which isn’t within-its-kind-of-knowing. )
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Mao, Stalin, AND Hitler ALL genocided within their own territory, whether intentionally or not ( Mao wiped-out knowledge-workers, creating massive famine, ttbomk )
The whole “horseshoe political-spectrum” is failing-to-understand that there actually is a different dimenion involved…
Considered-reasoning only lives in the middle,
& imprint->reaction-mind owns both extremes, AND it also owns many who nominally are “center”.
Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” is on the difference between the 2 kinds of mental-function,
and to the best of my knowledge, the imprint->reaction mind is lower-forebrain, while the considered-reasoning mind is upper-forebrain.
ALL ideology/prejudice/“religion” ( religion, not spirituality, which is considered-reasoning rooted ) is rooted in the imprint->reaction bypassing-actual-thinking mind.
The Catholic inquisition, the murderers of any religion, the murderers of any political-ideology, etc…
I simply cannot understand how anybody could maintain that the ideology-genociding-of-the-left OR the ideology-genociding-of-the-right OR the ideology-genociding-of-religions OR the ideology-genociding-of-racism OR the ideology-genociding-of-gender-racism ( the inquisition was part of that, the Muslim immigrant gang-rapes committed in their new countries is part of that, the male-supremacist-vote which helped block Harris from winning in the US is part of it, the fact that rape is a pretend-crime in actual-practice is part of that, as the male authorities just don’t consider it to be a “real” crime, if its “only” against girls & women, the scum who rewrote Genesis millenia ago, to alter it from saying that women “ate of the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil” ( which it still says ), to instead “interpreted” that, right in the text, so that instead of meaning that women ate of moral understanding ( altruism is demonstrated to be generalized-mothering, in wasps & humans, & grandmothers in the tribe are a significant tribal-survival-advantage, through deep-time/evolution )…
Is the intentional-genociding of Tibetans & Uighurs “OK” because it is being done by the left?
Was Stalin’s force-exterminating millions of his own country’s people somehow OK?
XOR is it that the genociding of fascists doesn’t count?
Obviously, you hold that I, like the original-poster am beyond-reason, beyond wrong.
That’s fine.
I’m fed-up with being gaslit by ideologues, & ideologues are equally fed-up with all who are not within their ideology, obviously.
Which is the essence of The Great Filter, in-which humankind will either lock entirely into imprint->reaction mode & simply tantrum/pogrom until all our kind is extinguished,
XOR some fraction of humankind will do all they can to lock-into considered-reasoning, & do everything they can to continue force-evolving, while surviving the apoctalyptic-nihilism of the ideologues…
I don’t expect the total-war to cease until the end of this century, once it starts ( in the 2030’s, probably )
Party-fascism ( which is what “communism” actually is ) & individual-fascism both are intolerant of healthy-diversity.
Collectivist-evil & individualist-evil are equal-“powers”, just different in methods & in their self-programming.
… shrug …
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Years ago, Cracked.com had a page on how the “good” witch was actually the bad-guy…
includes some understanding of how the “Wicked Witch of the West” only wanted her now-smashed-by-Dorothy’s-house sister’s shoes back, & did NOTHING harmful to anybody, otherwise, in the movie…
( scroll waaay down, to get to that stuff )
Can’t remember what they identified that the “Good” Witch did, but in the article that I no-longer can find, they did detail some stuff…
( Cracked.com has a number of pages on how we just naturally slurped-up the totally-wrong/bogus view, from many movies, through the years, it seems…
& that sane considering of what’s in those movies produces a completely different view of the things…
actually, that one should probably be a link to Nitpickers, or whatever that site was called, shouldn’t it? )
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SPOT on, Hoomin, GOOD stuff!!
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There’s now yt videos on Facebooks’ locking people’s accounts ( in early 2025 ) because they … post on Linux … which Facebook has ( perhaps because it benefits their … ahem … for-profit-partners ) deemed to be malware…
Linux Mint / Cinnamon I can recommend, & for all the old machines running corrupt MS-Windows, please get Puppy Linux on 'em, & MAKE them trustworthy!
Yes, the “controlling the populace” time has just-now begun!
( unfortunately, it is going to get much MUCH more oppressive, as this shit progresses in totalitarianism… )
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Ohh, how I wish I coulda been the 1 to make your meem’s score 1000, Hoomin…
I go the opposite way:
I’m old, & the defect of being too young to understand is just below my age.
: p
You remember reading how Biden was being at risk of not being on the ticket in some state because the Dems hadn’t filed paperwork in time?
I fear that there are laws, somewhere, which will prevent Harris from being on the ballot, in that jurisdiction…
Humans only react correctly when it’s too-late, by default.
ClimatePunctuation’s only 1 example of an ocean of them, throughout history…
While Harris is a Godsend, compared with all the alternatives, … I don’t know that all of the required chain-of-leverages is in-place to pull this off, & save the US of A’s life…
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I would want … 7-50y in prison, for the evil scum “friend” who masterminded this.
Psychopathic, machiavellian, given India’s non-valuing of women, sadistic, narcissistic, … you don’t accommodate such terrorists-of-individual-lives.
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Y’all mean “Diabetes Icecream Sandwiches”, right?
: P
Someone, possibly on reddit a few years ago, posted a B&W image showing what looked like her & her husband ( copilot on that flight ) in Japan.
If she got there & lost her plane, then she’d be stuck there, right?
Anyways, I’ve no copy of that image, & no interest in digging until I was somehow satisfied ( I don’t even know where I’d do digging, to get that one sorted out ).
However, it seems possible & plausible, both.
Aviation sometimes sticks you somewhere, long-term.
Someone who stands outside of ideology and thinks.
Thank you.
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All the geek-managers who’ve claimed, through the years, to be “cat herders”, or to be “herding cats”, have ZERO validity compared with this woman…
She is THE Catherd™
& we’ve been accepting the bullshit-claim of guys for years…
Shame on us… doesn’t empiricism require that we accept the data’s facts?
: p
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