Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places but anytime I try to look for anything that came out recently at all it doesn’t exist usually takes a minute.
Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places but anytime I try to look for anything that came out recently at all it doesn’t exist usually takes a minute.
Kinda? Kind of bad for anything that’s new though but anything that’s older than the last decade it is amazing.
I want a button that upon pressing immediately makes me stop moving relative to the universe moving around me. Just suddenly all the momentum to none of it.
Personally I’m going to have to agree with them as well I installed Kde recently and this exact feature I thought was a bug. When digging around on Google for about 15 minutes before realizing it was a feature I had to turn off.
At first I thought it was a joke about her having like windshield wipers for her eyeballs
It’s not thaaaat different but my favorite browser is floorp and stuff like vertical tabs, workspaces, split view
Not really I feel it’s adjacent to arch amount of do-it-yourselfness but it’s extremely lightweight it has runit instead of systemd everything starts extraordinarily quickly I just prefer that. Xbps is it really good package manager and just slightly better than most others in my opinion it’s one of my favorites.
Void Linux stays winning
It’s funny it’s such an important thing the US. Yet in the grand scheme of history it’ll be but a tiny blip.