Yeah, thats what I’m saying. Getting Karelia back is a bad plan.
In a bad place.
Yeah, thats what I’m saying. Getting Karelia back is a bad plan.
Because then a future putin can say hes invading to protect russians.
And providing social care etc to them would bankrupt the country
Only if we get a few billion€ from the UN or something, to rebuild the area to at least some standards.
Oh and someone needs to figure our where all the ryssä goes. Because obviously they cant stay.
But this is funnier.
lol did they finally manage to make it into a submarine? Fantastic!
And some floatation devices.
Even prorer tip: pull the handles gently apart from each other, the pulling will make the plastic to come apart and then you can grab the edges and open it.
This works in finnish supermarkets, dunno if the bags are the same over there.
That will only get you a soviet navy.
You cannot lose!
Fucking eggs come out of their arses!
Using russian as a prular and “they” instead of “this guy” or something, probably gave that idea.
Not a bow, thats for sure. Might be a wood plane.
When you fire your weapon, does it kick the barrel up or down?
Do those weights pull the barrel up or down?
Brains and eyes are weird man