I’ve got 2 of everything just in case. Dirty dishes can’t pile up if they don’t exist.
I’ve got 2 of everything just in case. Dirty dishes can’t pile up if they don’t exist.
For what it’s worth this brand is pretty good. I only get Margherita and put my own toppings on them, but they’re my go-to for frozen pizza.
Remember a few years back when we’d have a running gag of saying something violently over the top and adding “in Minecraft” to the end? Some dude on 4chan got arrested for doing that with death threats, and yet for years I’ve been hearing other people, guys with actual political power and platforms, muttering “politically” after way worse shit. It’s a good thing whenever anyone acts on anything it’s a false flag, it’d suck if they ever had to face any consequences.
These comics are from the Onion iirc, they’re intentionally shit takes.
4, but it was peanut butter and jam.
She’s an anti-hero more often than not now, fighting villains bigger than her. From the New 52 when she started going solo and turned on Joker (or he turned on her really), to Injustice where she was a major player in the resistance, to the DCEU where she turned against ARGUS to stop Starro which wasn’t even her mission. Even in the Suicide Squad game which is part of the Arkham universe and doesn’t include any kind of redemption arc for her she’s still only killing the Justice League when they’re being controlled by Brainiac, who is probably second only to Darkseid as far as villains go. Under duress sure, but she’s doing it.
See also: Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy respectively.
No not that extreme. I don’t want a bed with walls, just slightly upturned edges. More like a big dinner plate than a crib.
I was just talking about something like this with my gf last week. I want a big bed with upturned edges (but still big enough to stretch out fully on the flat part) that I can fill with extra cushions and blankets. The image in my head was a bit nicer than a giant dog bed though…
We’ll end up with a live action The Muppet Movie remake only starring humans.
Oh man. I liked this post better when I thought it was a good joke.
This doesn’t look dystopian at all. Sure the one playing videos and stuff is on that line, but most of it’s about mobility aid for residents and reducing the strain on staff, they even point out that they can’t use these robots to replace people. This all looks like good news if you read anything past the headline.