Yes, but that’s not ADHD nor is it executive function disorder.
Executive function disorder would be ignoring the task entirely.
Yes, but that’s not ADHD nor is it executive function disorder.
Executive function disorder would be ignoring the task entirely.
It doesn’t. This is a poor meme for this sub.
But they’re doing the thing.
This isn’t an executive function issue
By defining the coordinate system as a sphere.
Basically, there are multiple right answers, but the most correct answer depends on how you define coordinates.
In “simple”, xyz it’s not a line.
In Euclidean geometry, a straight line can follow a curved surface.
In bullshit physics, everything is warped relative to spacetime so anything can or cannot be a line, but we won’t know.
From what I can tell, America has better access to alternative viewpoints and the ability to express them largely without fear.
To add to this, high level prosecutors need the backing of the police to do their job well. Cops are the ones on the streets making arrests, collecting evidence, and enforcing the laws. If they don’t like a district attorney, they can look the other way and make it difficult for them to do their job.
In my opinion one of the big reasons so many cops aren’t prosecuted in this country is the prosecutors don’t want to lose their political will with the cops.
Even if Biden dropped out before the primary, Kamala would have had an incredible advantage over all other candidates. She very likely would have been the nominee.
There are things to get upset about. The most likely alternative taking over is not one of them.
If the percentages look to large, I just hit no tip.
Which would be meaningless. Those missile accelerate to like Mach 4 in a second.
A plane going forward at Mach 2 would add .5 second to a missile fired backwards to get to Mach 4.
lol what?
Rockets aren’t attached to the plane when they launch. They release then fire there rockets. It might be near instantaneous but missile thrust has no bearing on an airplane.
Missiles would just have their initial attitude slightly upright - much like a javelin.
I think the application of it was wrong.
You basically had game devs that wanted to build cross platform easily. PC, Xbox, and Nintendo used standard architecture while ps3 was unique.
That basically meant you had to develop for ps3 as an entirely separate game than the other major systems.
I think the person you’re trying to correct was making the same point as you.
They were simply trying to demonstrate that butter isn’t 100% fat.
Okay, what does that have to do with voting?
Typically, on vacation you have to eat out more. That’s about $15 per meal per person per day, excluding breakfast.
Not crazy for a vacation with flights and a hotel involved for 4 people for 7 days.
That’s $5k before any tickets to the park.
I find that pre-workout mixes with caffeine and creatine tend to help me.
Just worth noting, creatine causes your muscles “soak up” more water so you’ll need to drink more to keep the rest of your body hydrated.